Military Cases Triple

COVID-19 cases in the United States have surged almost three-fold in the military since just before Christmas of 2021 according to defense department statistics. The Defense Department reported just under 5,300 cases among service members December 22, 2021. By January 5, 2022 that number reached more than 13,900.

As of September 1, 2021 there were 40 military member deaths due to COVID-19. By January 5, 2022 the total was 86. In response, the military is increasing health protection protocols on many bases and at the pentagon.

Wright Patterson Air Force Base has moved to the highest level of health protection measures which includes now allowing only 15% of the workforce in the office at a time.

One base that has seen a post holiday surge is Fort Bragg, North Carolina, which currently has an estimated 50% positivity rate among those being tested. The base hospital, Womack Army Medical Center, was at 100% capacity at the end of last week, a military official there told CNN.

The jump reflects, to some extent, what is happening in civilian society as the Omicron variant has taken hold and case rates have risen in many communities across the country, defense officials say. The Defense Department does not test specifically for the Omicron variant but officials say there is every reason to believe the highly contagious variant has hit the military force.

Don’t Get Vaccinated

A black Wilmore Funeral House truck  had “Don’t Get Vaccinated” emblazoned on it’s side. This messanging was actually Part of a Pro-Vaccine Campaign. The truck that circled outside of the Bank of America Stadium in North Carolina during Sunday’s Carolina Panthers game, CNN reported. Wilmore Funeral House is nonexistent, however — the creation of ad agency BooneOakley. When internet users access the website, the landing page has a message that simply states, “Get vaccinated now. If not, see you soon.” The page also has a link to StarMed, which allows people to register to get vaccinated at health care providers in the area.

Last month in Florida over 9500 people have died from COVID-19. Bringing the total number of deaths from COVID in the Sunshine State to over 54,000. That is about double the number of deaths compared to a country like Canada.

Business is too good for funeral directors. Funeral homes and grave diggers have to struggle to keep up with the demand. In Florida, according to CBS News, employees of funeral homes are absolutely swamped. In July 2021, the CDC reported that one in five new COVID-19 cases in the United States was occurring in Florida. CBS News’ Khristopher J. Brooks explained, “In the last week of August 2021, Florida hospitals averaged 279 deaths per day — up from 52 in July, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The spike in fatalities, is strongly suspected to stem from the ongoing surge in cases caused by the Delta variant.

Mass Psychosis

The insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, 2021 was a failure, but the boiling anger continues to bubble up at school board meetings across America. Anti maskers are teaming up with the Proud Boys to threaten school boards about mask mandates.

A school board meeting in North Carolina got so chaotic that protestors attempted to overthrow the officials and install themselves as the new school board. Parents are being trained as front line disruptive soldiers. They are being taught how to die and kill others in the process.

Parents are also being trained to heckle and harass health care professionals who advocate masks to slow the spread of the virus. One petite nurse was purposefully bumped by an angry mask less dad as she was about to give testimony at a school board meeting.

The right continues to stoke the mob who need to vent their anger at anyone they can, be it school boards, who are trying to protect their children, or health care workers who are trying to save their life when they inevitably get sick from the virus.

It is fairly easy to seduce a loud minority to riot. So many have lost touch with reality and have descended into delusions. Ideas are expressed only through brute force. Anger is the fuel that radicalizes the white middle class who fear extinction s they commit viral suicide. The anger left over from the attempted insurrection is not fading away but rather getting more intense as it moves into every neighborhood.

As health care workers deal with the unvaccinated dying in their hospitals, they are often subjected to harassment because people refuse to accept the reality of the virus even as they are taking their last breaths. At the beginning of the pandemic heath care workers were hailed as heroes, but as time wore on they became villains in peoples minds who deny science and basic health measures. Health care workers have been the primary targets of coronavirus-related acts of violence, harassment, and discrimination recorded by the International Committee of the Red Cross across more than 40 countries. A total of 611 incidents were recorded between February 1, 2021 and July 31, 2021.