Old Church: Portland Oregon

While in Portland Oregon I sketched The Old Church (1422 SW 11th Ave, Portland, OR).

While living in NYC, I sketched the 50 oldest churches in the 5 boroughs, so of course I would have to sketch a church called simply, “The Old Church.”

It isn’t actually a church anymore, but, a  performance venue in a Gothic, former church with a pipe organ and stained-glass windows. It was built in 1883. It is also knows as the Sanctuary of Sound. It was, saved from demolition by community activists and volunteers in 1967. Concerts are a mix of musical performances, including rare opportunities to see groundbreaking national and international artists, in an intimate setting. They also produce and host free Summer Concerts and monthly Lunchtime Concerts, community social justice conversations (through We Can Listen), and ambient music concerts during new and full moons. If I lived in Portland, I know this would be one of my regular venues to sketch. It has a welcoming vibe. I was immediately drawn to it.

Recovery Room

After my operation where I was essentially neutered like a stray dog with a laser shoved up the old flag pole, my sister Pat Thorspecken -Nepalitano came to visit the Yalaha Studio to take care of me in case anything went south in my recovery. Pat felt I would not be able to get up into the Princess and the Pea bed I usually sleep in. That bed involves stepping up on my flat files to jump up onto the mattress which is about 4 feet off the ground since there are 2 mattresses, a box spring, a bed frame and an extra pillow mat. Stella Arbelaez was off at UCF in Orlando where she is renting a place for convenience near classes, as she works towards her masters degree, and she was kind enough to let me use her bed at the Yalaha Studio, which is much lower, during my recovery. I stripped the beds and remade them both before surgery. I made sure to put protective pads on Stella’s bed just in case I might bleed out in the middle of the night. If I was bleeding I would bleed on my own sheets.

I was told, I might be on narcotics for the pain and my sister brought a walker and a cane, thinking I would not be able to get around. However the only pain medication I was given was over the counter Tylenol and I got around just fine. Instead of being convalescent, I ended up playing the part of the host. I made a lasagna so everyone would have something to eat over the course of the week. There was more than enough food since friends of Stella had dropped off some items and Pat brought several bags of groceries with her from Port Charlotte, Florida.

That weekend I hiked with Pat and Just Jeff at Pear Park (26701 US Hwy 27, Leesburg, Fl) as a way to get out into the sunshine and experience natures healing power. I got a decent sketch at the river on that walk. I also cut off roots from a huge root ball in the side yard of the Yalaha Studio, left over from a fallen tree from hurricane Milton with garden sheers. Jeff dug in and cut off several of the larger roots with a reciprocating saw. We had a fire in the fire pit each night which always calms my nerves.

The room pictured above had a calming effect on me. There was a faux Franklin Furnace and I would turn it on at night and watch the faux flames and the lights that would dance on the walls. The effect was mesmerizing and would instantly put me to sleep. Now that my sister has left, it is quiet again in the Yalaha Studio. I have moved back to the Princess and the Pea bed since I have no problem hopping up. Life has started to return to normal although my insides still feel akimbo like they have been scrambled and have to find their way back home. Instead of lying still, I went to see several more homes yesterday, which might make good studios. Since I am now a tumbleweed, it is hard to figure out where I should settle. Home is where the heart is and I am still searching for it.

Post Op

There was a Post Operation room I went to at Orlando Health Central on West Colonial Drive in Ocoee. That is the hospital that looks like a clown school. When I woke up from anesthesia, I was relieved to see that KC Cali was there. Her joking snapped me awake with laughter. I was slurring my words but it was good to have a friend to talk to. My general impression was that the operation went as planned. The doctor and then KC filled me in on the details.

As the doctor described it, a laser had been guided up my penis and it was inserted into the prostate. The outer edges of the inside of the prostate were pealed much like an orange and then the instrument was shoved like a finger into an orange to separate the sections. The prostate was sucked out from the core outward. All this was done deep inside my pelvis, I thought there would be more pain, but I was just given a Tylenol.

Soon I was wheeled up to the room and KC sat on the couch keeping me engaged and entertained. Nurse after nurse entered taking vitals and introducing themselves. There was a convenient board at the foot of the bed on the wall with names and numbers and a description of the procedure, which was removing my prostate.

I hadn’t eaten for over 24 hours. I was hooked up to the IVs which helped hydrate me a bit. Then a nurse wheeled in a table of food which fits over the bed I was lying in. I looked at it and hesitated. I was hungry, but also my head started swimming. I took deep breaths. I felt like I might faint. Also on the table with the food were foot long blue plastic tubes. Those were like airline barf bags. I grabbed one quickly and retched, filling it half up. There was nothing in my stomach but water, but even that feels awful coming up. KC jumped up from the couch and helped and disposed of the blue tube. Soon a nurse was checking on me and I was given a pill which I was told would stop the nausea. KC chatted with me for a while and I started to feel better. I decided to try some food again and the nurse wheeled the table over my belly. I grabbed a blue tube and immediately retched again. The nurse explained that I was having a bad reaction to the anesthesia. I wretched about 4 times.

KC was a saint through all this and managed to keep me in high spirits. A much stronger anti nausea drug was pumped directly into the IV bag. I started to feel better but now the drug was making me tired. I gave up on the notion of food. KC read me a long list of events happening in Upstate New York. The one I remember best was goat racing with snow shoes. Now that is the sketch opportunity I have always dreamed of! Maybe I am imagining that, I was in a sort of fever dream. My eye lids were getting heavy and KC quietly slipped away when I drifted off. It is rare to find a friend like this.

The sketch above was done the next morning. KC had told me that I would not get much sleep and she was right. About every half hour a nurse would come in and ask questions and take  some vital sign. I dropped back to sleep immediately after each nurse left and the next morning I felt good enough to sketch. Pigeons roosted right above my room window, I could see then swoop in and arch up to land. Some of them pooped on the landing approach and splashed the window.

This would prove to be a long day to see if the operation had been a success or a failure.


The Orlando Shakespeare Theater (812 E Rollins St, Orlando, FL) is presenting a cutting edge production of Cabaret. This show is more topical than ever in today’s heated political environment. People like to pretend that the worst isn’t happening but ignoring the problem empowers the problem. The parking lot to the Shakes was completely packed, so I exited the parking lot and found street parking nearby.

The opening scene in the show had Clifford Bradshaw played by Easton Curtis on a balcony taking note or sketching as snow fell. The play was based on the writings of Christopher Isherwood who was an American who was in Berlin Germany right before WWII and he considered himself a human camera. I am fond of that concept. On stage, the Emcee, played by Shane Bland was warming up the crowd with a classic flair. In the talk back after the show I learned that Shane was the one Jewish member of the cast which made his role all the more poignant.

The play follows the colorful performers in the Kit Kat club and their crazy and comical numbers stood as a stark contrast to the rising tide of hateful politics in Germany. The fast and furious romance between Clifford and Sally Bowles played by Anastasia Remoundos showed how romantic escape is critical and practical in crazy times. Sally’s flamboyant attitudes were her form of absolute denial to the reality all around her.

During rehearsals a Cultural Coordinator was brought in to be a support system to the cast. The play covers some very disturbing themes and it is hard to wear that cloak and then not take it home. There was a sabbath dinner for the cast early in the rehearsals. The cast felt a responsibility to hold a mirror up to the truth. Some actors playing German soldiers had to wear Nazi Swastikas on their arm bands. The arm bands were sequestered right until the moment before actors got on stage. Once the scene was finished the arms bands wold once again be locked away. The same was true with the patches that marked people as deviant. The one Jewish star had to go to Herr Schultz, played by Mark Gray Miller. The other cast got to choose which patch best suited their character. The show was a polarizing experience for the entire cast. It is unfortunately very relevant. One piece of advice from one of the actors rang true, “Be kind to yourself and others.”

Cabaret performances continue through March 2, 2025. Trust me, this is a show you do not want to miss. Tickets start at $40.


Snow Globe: Dolly Shot

The fireplace was removed to make way for a small track for a dolly shot. The fireplace flames are a sort of projection. It was discovered that the fireplace also makes sound so it was turned off since the flames were not visible in the shot.

Since there was no fireplace in the home of my last roommate situation, we used to turn on the large screen TV and run a 12 hour fireplace video during the winter as we worked on family history research on the couch. There is something soothing about watching the flames and listening to the snapping and crackling. That fire burnt itself out. I now set a fire each evening in a fire pit in the back yard of the Yalaha Studio. I am still burning roots and branches from the Hurricane Milton storm damage. Watching the flames is my way to relax and reflect after a day of sketching, painting and teaching. The TV has never been used except on New Year’s Eve.

On set, the mother, or Big Birdie (Carrie Lauren) and daughter, Claire (Miya Montague) sat uncomfortably on the couch as far apart as was possible. The camera moved slowly forward as they stared into the imagined flames.

As cameraman, Gregory Mohn was setting up for this shot, he shouted out that anything in the kitchen that shouldn’t be seen had to be moved since it was visible in the shot. All the crew snacks and drinks were on the counters. Writer, Director, Tracey Jane was in the kitchen and I noticed her trying to move some things with her one good hand. Her other hand was in a cast. I dropped my sketch to help her out.  We moved some sort of fondue or crock pot set out into the garage and other items went up on the refrigerator out of sight. Several spiky dog balls were moved into her bedroom, which was now the actors dressing room.

Her pup, Luigi was all muscle and energy and would play with anyone who would grab his octopus. Since my artist stool it pretty low, I played with him quite a bit to get some of the energy out of him. That plan seemed to backfire since playing with him just amped him up even more. He had to go out in the back pool area when shooting began, but he just pawed at the sliding glass doors and whined to get back inside. A neighbor had to be called to give him a walk so the scenes could be shot.

Tracey watched the scene on a James Bond style black case that had a monitor. The stool she sat on squeaked, so she had to remain perfectly still. If I needed to grab a new pen or brush, I made sure to move in slow motion so as not to make a sound as well. This was a quiet somber moment between mother and daughter and a moment when they would truly connect. The conversation between mother and daughter was soft and muted. I am so used to actors shouting to the rafters in theater productions. The boom mic held my Arturo, and a hidden mic in the couch must have caught it all.

Snow Globe: The Monitor

In this scene being shot for Snow Globe, Claire, (Miya Montague) and her mom Big Birdie, (Carrie Lauren), sat on a couch staring at a fire in the fireplace after returning from a funeral. This shoot had been delayed a week because Carrie had been horribly sick.

When I  arrived and was walking towards the house, Miya and her mom Brandi had also just parked. I thought Brandi might be the actress but her daughter was going to be the star for the day. As the room was being prepared for the shoot Brandi volunteered to vacuum the set. I helped by moving furniture, since I wasn’t sure where to set up to sketch yet.

This scene took most of the morning to shoot. In it, Claire stood up and walked to the mantle of the fireplace to pick up the Snow Globe. A message from her now deceased Grandmother was taped to the bottom. There was an obvious somber attitude to the scene but director Tracey Jane wanted a contrast between the two characters. Mom, or Big Birdie was to be emotionally distraught, but Claire who was clever and a problem solver, was supposed to offer hope and insight at this darkest hour. Maya was having difficulty finding that balance. Each take of the scene she projected a somber attitude. Tracey kept coaching her to lighten her mood and someone suggested that Miya needed to do some jumping jacks just to boost her energy level.

The dialogue was so soft that I couldn’t hear very well from where I sat. The boom operator kept the mic right on top of Maya as she spoke. Carrie’s mic was right near her hidden in the couch.  Eventually a shot was done which captured the exact mood and energy that Tracey was hoping for.

Manny Plaza-Fernandez sat looking at the monitor. It was his job to be sure each shot was in perfect focus. In one two shot, the mom had some dialogue and then the camera had to rack focus on to her daughter Claire. Tracey wanted that rack focus to happen on a particular line of dialogue and Manny made it work. Gregory Mohn behind the camera often consulted Manny because he was almost always right. Collaboration made each shot work.

Snow Globe: Young Birdie

This was the first day of shooting of Snow Globe in the home of writer, Director Tracey Jane. This scene was to be shot in the den right off of the entry hall. I liked the painting of an angel with golden wings above the piano. A portrait of a classical quilled scribe had to be replaced with a more generic 1970s abstract in muted izod colors.

GregoryMohn was behind the camera and he wanted these shots to be a worms eye view looking up at the giant piano. The piano itself had been moved from another room, but that task was complete by the time I got to the set. Arturo worked the boom to record sound.

In this shot Little Birdie (Addison Sanders) pushed a small footstool close to the piano so she could reach up for the snow globe. Her mother Grace (Audra Darbyshire) was up on a stairway landing and saw what their daughter was up to and she ran down the stairs to stop her. Addison’s true parents were in the hallway to coach and offer support. It was so cute watching the young actress accomplish each task in turn and then freeze in embarrassment. Tracey was wonderful in keeping the young girl’s energy up. Audra, was quite believable as Addison’s mom. She got on her knees and interacted playfully. There was a warmth to every playful shot.

There were so many close ups to be shot, of the young girls feet padding across the floor, of her pushing the stool, and the moments as she reached for the globe. There was only 1 snow globe, so it was treated like a golden talisman. It could not, and must not be broken.

What would be an instant in the final edited film, took hours to shoot. I was asked several times, how I could sketch so fast, and yet each sketch took several hours to complete. Artists function in slow motion recording an instant in a world of ever evolving, fast paced chaos.

Tracey Jane has a habit of telling stories that reach in and grab me by the heart. There is wonder and aspiration followed by sorrow and then hope. In my mind she was directing this film with one hand tied behind her back, because she had injured her left hand and it was still in a cast. This short is told in a nine page script but the emotional resonance spans decades. I respect and admire any artist who can strum my heart strings so effortlessly.

Snow Globe: The Skate Room

It was getting late at the Semoran Skateway (2670 Cassel Creek Blvd, Casselberry, FL). Writer, Director Tracey Jane and her intrepid film crew had one more scene to shoot in the Skate Room.

I was a bit daunted at the prospect of sketching the skate room since there were literally hundreds of pairs of skates tucked away in all the cubby holes. I asked Tracey if I would have enough time to do a sketch. My thought was that I needed at least 2 hours but they were shooting just one scene.

In this scene the protagonist, Teen Birdie (Grace Violla) was struggling to untie her skate. She was visibly upset. Later that evening when it was about 4am in the morning Tracey laughed at me saying, ” and you thought you wouldn’t have enough time to sketch.” I clearly do not have any concept of how long it takes to shoot a scene. Liv, Birdie’s best friend, (Payton Hubert) entered the scene. She had on a pair of metallic blue pants that definitely hearkened back to the flamboyant fashions of the 1980s.

Grace did an amazing job of remaining visibly upset despite the multiple takes of shots. There were other skaters behind her on the bench and they had to get out of the shot to let the drama play out between the two actresses. The boom operator was doing his job for the very first time. He had to be reminded once to raise the mic a bit higher to get it out of a shot. The lighting tech had the difficult job of keeping a white cloth diffuser raised over his head to soften the spot light. His arm must have gotten tired.

My fountain pen ran out of ink, so I switched over to colored pencil to sketch the skates. I was worried I might be visible in the shot where Liv enters the skate room doorway. She was right next to me. Tracey who was looking at the monitor assured me I was out of the shot. Then she made a piece sign and leaved forward a few inches from me and her fingers entered the shot on the monitor. I smiled and made sure to sketch while seated bold upright.

The scene didn’t play out straight through. A series of close up shots were done as Teen Birdie struggled with her skate laces. Tracey Jane stepped in when it was time to block out the action and dialogue between the actresses. She had a vision of what she wanted to happen and just needed to be sure everyone was on the same page. Clear communication on an active, fast paced film set, is critical. Besides the drama unfolding in each scene being shot, the collaborative artistic drama behind the scenes is just as exciting.

A final scene unfolded when Teen Birdie’s mom, Grace (Audra Darbyshire) entered. She knew her daughter was upset and hoped she could reach out and help, but Birdie felt too crushed and sullen. She stormed off , leaving mom confused and heart broken. My sketch was a wrap and I decided I would not attempt a second pass at sketching the skate room, so I packed up my art supplies and quietly slipped out. I had a 30 mile drive back up to Yalaha which was itself an adventure, driving through some of the thickest fog I have ever experienced. I just had to trust there was a road ahead of me. When I got back to the studio at around 5am, I imagined that the film crew was probably still hard at work at the Semoran Skateway.

Snow Globe: Consessions

I was sketching on the set of an independent film shoot at Semoran Skateway (2670 Cassel Creek Blvd Casselberry FL.) The short film being shot was called  Snow Globe written and directed by Tracey Jane.

I was sketching the rink from the concessions area and once that sketch was finished I simply turned around to sketch as lighting was being set up. A lighting tech had just set up a large flood light to illuminate that far end of the concessions stand. That is where the scene being shot played out. I could watch what was being shot on the monitor beside me.

I tried to sketch the lighting tech several times but he was in constant motion. Instead I sketched the young skater behind him. At this point I had no idea who was in the cast and who was an extra. A group of die hard skaters were seated at the table beside me so they were most likely extras. The skater I was sketching turned out to be Teen Birdie or Grace Violla. She was the lead for many of the scenes shot at the rink. She had a crush on a handsome boy but he ended up writing the number of her best friend on his hand. Tracey Jane who was seated in front of me explained that this was Grace’s first time acting for film. I was happy I had caught Grace in the sketch even if by mistake.

Filming Snow Globe

Equal Play Productions took over the Semoran Skateway (2670 Cassel Creek Blvd, Casselberry, FL) for a very late evening of filming for Tracey Jane‘s short film titled Snow Globe. I arrived at the Skateway a little before 11pm and several of the film crew were unloading cameras and other film equipment. I waited near the entrance and followed them inside since I figured they knew where to go. We walked past the ticket window and went inside. All of the film equipment filled a storage room at about the 50 yard line of the rink. Actors and film crew were crowded inside. Here I got to hug the writer, and director Tracey Jane. I have been a longtime fan of her plays, musicals and now film productions. 

While the film crew were busy unpacking and setting up equipment I sat and started a sketch of the rink. There were still crowds of skaters but come 11pm the lights went up and skaters were asked to exit the rink. Any skaters who wanted to stay behind and be an extra in the film were requested to fill out a release form. A core group of die hard regulars stayed behind and other skaters filtered in who specifically showed up for their opportunity to appear in an independent short film. The female skater I placed in the foreground of the sketch said, “I’m 56 and still skating strong.” A group of 5 or so male skaters formed a wolf pack and skated at top speed around the rink swaying in unison to the music right until the music stopped.

While I was doing this sketch, actress Carson Jean Holly was delicately trying to keep her balance as she, walk-slipped her way at the edge of the rink on the carpet, often grabbing the wall for support. I couldn’t help but feel absolute delight, because if I had tried skating instead of sketching, I would have spent most of my time falling down. I first met Carson when she performed in A Halloween Carol, The Musical, also written by Tracey Jane. She impressed me as a consummate professional. When Carson steps into a roll she goes all in, and she felt certain, she would learn how to skate before the evening was through. She offered comic relief on a long night of marathon shooting and in my case, sketching.

As often happens, this spot that I chose to sketch from turned out to be the main staging area for much of the action in the scenes to follow. I had to move when the filming began. Luckily all the line work was in place and I could add water color washes from anywhere. I set up right next to the monitor where Tracey could watch the scenes as they were filmed. I got to see her delight and concern as scenes unfolded on the monitor. Besides all her directing responsibilities, Tracey also stepped into mom mode, by offering me and cast waters, to be sure we stayed hydrated. The filming would be happening until 5am, so I had plenty of time to get more sketches under my belt.

While doing this sketch most of the filming being done was B roll footage of skaters. Gregory Mohn shot footage while skating and leaning forward to get the camera inches from the ice. Much of the acting and dialogue scenes would happen in the concessions area. Although I have a copy of the script, I decided to keep myself in the dark and learn about the characters as filming happened.  I consider this sketch my establishing long shot.