Mass Psychosis

The insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, 2021 was a failure, but the boiling anger continues to bubble up at school board meetings across America. Anti maskers are teaming up with the Proud Boys to threaten school boards about mask mandates.

A school board meeting in North Carolina got so chaotic that protestors attempted to overthrow the officials and install themselves as the new school board. Parents are being trained as front line disruptive soldiers. They are being taught how to die and kill others in the process.

Parents are also being trained to heckle and harass health care professionals who advocate masks to slow the spread of the virus. One petite nurse was purposefully bumped by an angry mask less dad as she was about to give testimony at a school board meeting.

The right continues to stoke the mob who need to vent their anger at anyone they can, be it school boards, who are trying to protect their children, or health care workers who are trying to save their life when they inevitably get sick from the virus.

It is fairly easy to seduce a loud minority to riot. So many have lost touch with reality and have descended into delusions. Ideas are expressed only through brute force. Anger is the fuel that radicalizes the white middle class who fear extinction s they commit viral suicide. The anger left over from the attempted insurrection is not fading away but rather getting more intense as it moves into every neighborhood.

As health care workers deal with the unvaccinated dying in their hospitals, they are often subjected to harassment because people refuse to accept the reality of the virus even as they are taking their last breaths. At the beginning of the pandemic heath care workers were hailed as heroes, but as time wore on they became villains in peoples minds who deny science and basic health measures. Health care workers have been the primary targets of coronavirus-related acts of violence, harassment, and discrimination recorded by the International Committee of the Red Cross across more than 40 countries. A total of 611 incidents were recorded between February 1, 2021 and July 31, 2021.


The Urban Dictionary defines MAGAts as… “Trump supporters who blindly regurgitate the simple minded rhetoric of their beloved cult leader. They typically drive vehicles with large Trump 2020 or MAGA stickers or flags attached to them and gather in large groups. They refuse to wear masks and unlike the larval stage of the diptera, they serve absolutely no purpose in either nature or society.” I heard the phrase used for the first time this weekend listening to a radio show about the domestic terrorist attack at the United States Capitol.

With Trump’s violent rhetoric cut off by Twitter this movement is seeking alternated methods to get their insurrectionist messages out to the masses. They use a messaging service on Zillow to communicate. Zillow claims they can not monitor communications on their platform.

This is a rare case where people literally live streamed their own crimes. This of course made the job of the FBI much easier since videos keep popping up every day. Wave after wave of MAGAts smashed into police, eventually overcoming defenses and entering the building shortly after 2 p.m. MAGAts mad their way right into the Senate chamber and rifled through lawmakers desks. One with bull horn pincers wrote a note of vice president Pence that read, “It’s only a matter of time, justice is coming.” He is being held without bail. In jail this MAGAt refused to eat the food insisting that he only eats organic foods. Most maggots I know of will eat any open flesh wound.

Cyber Breach

When rioters invaded the Capitol on January 6, 2021 they broke into chambers and offices of lawmakers gaining access to computers, laptops, zip drives for over two hours. US Attorney for DC, Michael Sherwin, stated “electronic items were stolen from senators’ offices, documents.” Senator, Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), reported that at least one laptop had been stolen. The cybersecurity consequences of this attack will take months to sort out.

Passwords, documents, access codes, and confidential or secret information may have been stolen. We also need to assume that some computers may have been compromised, with malware loaded onto them. This makes all information on the computers potentially accessible to foreign agents.

Likely only a few machines were compromised, but federal IT personnel must assume that all the digital devices at the Capitol have been compromised. From the moment lawmakers started re-using computers at 8PM that night, information could be compromised. Russia has conducted cyber attacks against the United States for some time. Though Capitol police seemed surprised by the attack, most news organizations and anyone paying attention to online chatter would have known about the impending violent insurrection. It would be quite easy to have a foreign agent sneak into the Capitol with rioters.

A scorched earth policy is the only way to guard against possible attack. All computers need to be replaced along with light switches drapes or any other place a bug might be planted. Malware doesn’t always trigger immediately so many machines could be Trojan horses waiting to invade and seize information.  The amount of work to clear the Capitol of the threat is staggering and of course tax payers will pay for it.

The Capitol Under Siege

American Democracy is under siege. January 6, 20201 the Potus called on his mask less minions to descend on Washington D.C. for a “Wild” rally. He got on stage and proceeded to claim the election had been stolen from him. He then told the crowd to go to the Capitol building.

At the Capitol, the police were unprepared for the thousands of rioters who broke through barricades and and shattered glass to get inside the building. The police had to retreat from the crowds that pressed inside. Months before peaceful protestors were tear gassed by national guard troops. There were no National Guard troops on hand to handle the ratification day rioters.

A joint session of Congress was assembled to ratify the electoral college results of the presidential election. This is a largely ceremonial session but some republican senators were contesting the results. Mitch McConnell condemned GOP efforts to overturn the electoral college results. He said, “If this election were overturned by mere allegations from the losing side, our democracy would enter a death spiral.” In the middle of the session the chamber had to be evacuated. Legislators were told to grab gas masks from under their seats.

The entrance to the chamber was barricaded from inside and policy tried to keep protestors out with their guns drawn. Rioters entered the chamber from the upper balcony and they jumped down to the chamber floor. Legislative staff had to hide behind chairs hoping not to get shot. On female protestor tried t lunge through a broken window and she was shot by a security officer. She was pronounced dead at the hospital.

After dusk the protestors were driven from the capitol building and Nancy Pelosi said that the ratification process will continue well into the night. Trump made a video addressing his “very special” rioters and suggested they should go home. Facebook and Twitter had to remove the video because he then went on to make make false and misleading statements.

3963 people died from COVID-19 in America on the day of the siege. The highest single day death toll since the start of the pandemic.