The Urban Dictionary defines MAGAts as… “Trump supporters who blindly regurgitate the simple minded rhetoric of their beloved cult leader. They typically drive vehicles with large Trump 2020 or MAGA stickers or flags attached to them and gather in large groups. They refuse to wear masks and unlike the larval stage of the diptera, they serve absolutely no purpose in either nature or society.” I heard the phrase used for the first time this weekend listening to a radio show about the domestic terrorist attack at the United States Capitol.

With Trump’s violent rhetoric cut off by Twitter this movement is seeking alternated methods to get their insurrectionist messages out to the masses. They use a messaging service on Zillow to communicate. Zillow claims they can not monitor communications on their platform.

This is a rare case where people literally live streamed their own crimes. This of course made the job of the FBI much easier since videos keep popping up every day. Wave after wave of MAGAts smashed into police, eventually overcoming defenses and entering the building shortly after 2 p.m. MAGAts mad their way right into the Senate chamber and rifled through lawmakers desks. One with bull horn pincers wrote a note of vice president Pence that read, “It’s only a matter of time, justice is coming.” He is being held without bail. In jail this MAGAt refused to eat the food insisting that he only eats organic foods. Most maggots I know of will eat any open flesh wound.