Dogs Gonna Bark

I had an online Karen telling me the other day that I need to be painting more cute puppies, so the idea for this painting popped into my head. Florida Statute 828.30 states… All dogs, cats, and ferrets 4 months of age or older must be vaccinated by a licensed veterinarian against rabies with a vaccine that is licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture for use in those species.

But what if dogs didn’t want to get vaccinated? Wouldn’t they bark and complain about their right to choose? Wouldn’t we suddenly have a nation full of rabid dogs foaming at the mouth and violently attacking anyone who stepped near?

I do believe America has become that rabid infected and insane nation. The pro-death generation has been born and is thriving.

One intrepid lone cyclist held up a trucker anti vax protest by simply biking slowly and not letting trucks pass. Truck air horns blasted as they crawled slowly forward. One event organizer in a car accelerated up using a side lane to get close to the cyclist. He barked out his car window, ““Hey, what are you doing? You have a bunch of trucks behind you!” The unidentified cyclist responded: “What’s that? I didn’t hear you. What? I didn’t hear you, what did you say? I’m sorry, I can’t hear you — it’s too loud.” The driver barked back: “Oh, it’s too loud, okay.”

Bureaucrat at Work

Putin is a bureaucrat. He was in the KGB agent but as a paper pusher in Dresden Germany. When the Berlin wall fell, and the Soviet Union collapsed, so to did his world view.

When he retreated back into Russia, he rose through the ranks as a very efficient bureaucrat.   Russia’s first president, Boris Yelsen, who was trying to bring democracy to the country, took Putin under his wing. Putin lied and claimed he had the same ambitions.

In 1999 Yelsen made Putin acting prime minister but by the end of his life realized he had made a mistake. Putin violently invaded invaded Chechnya. Television which supplied news to Russians became state run. Putin then was elected president.

In a small town of Beslov, terrorists took a school full of children hostage. If Putin negotiated he might loose his macho image. Putin’s tanks and troops surrounded the school. The army shelled the school. An explosion detonated in the school and there was chaos. Troops had rockets grenade launchers and flame throwers. Many children were burned alive. Corpses of children were stacked like fire wood. Over 320 people died, half of them children, but Putin’s strong man image remained.

Today over 103 children have died from Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, and that number is likely much higher. Frustrated by the military’s inept advance, he has taken to killing women and children. There are reports of troops cheering when a child is killed. They specifically target civilians trying to flee. 378,000 children in need of protection and assistance on Ukraine’s front line, according to the U.N.

Ukrainian President Zelensky‘s wife Olena said Putin’s troops were ‘consciously and cynically’ killing children. She highlighted the case of Alisa Hlans, 7, who was one of six people to die when her kindergarten in Okhtyrka was hit by a cluster bomb on the second day of the Russian invasion. Her grandfather had tried to shield her. He died in front of her and she was rushed to the hospital where she later died. Olena Zelenska has asked NATO to implement a no-fly zone over Ukraine to ‘save our children, because tomorrow it will save yours’.

A father discovered his wife and children were dead when he saw a photo on Twitter of their lifeless bodies lying dead in the street after a mortar attack. Their suitcases were packed lying beside them since they were attempting to flee. He was in an eastern Ukraine city helping his ailing mother.

The report today is that Moscow’s forces bombed an art school in Mariupol where more than 400 people had taken shelter. There was no immediate word on casualties. Civilians from the devastated southern city were being forcibly transported to Russia.

Killing babies is Putin’s ongoing plan.

Ignorance is the Biggest Crime

I was listening to an interview with a Ukrainian health care worker and this phrase struck me the hardest, “Ignorance is the Greatest Crime.” It should be obvious to anyone that the pandemic is not over, yet many go about life as normal. Hospitalizations are dropping, but nations especially in Asia are experiencing renewed spikes in cases.

In Ukraine the Russians will never stop killing women and children until all allied nations enter the fight. World War III has already begun. It took the United States two and a half years before they decided to enter World War I.  It took two years before Pearl Harbor launched America into  WWII. Isolationists in Washington will drag their heals and exhaust all options before fully entering the conflict.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is working hard to send 36 metric tons of medial supplies to Ukraine. They will need to raise $45 million for Ukraine and $12.5 million to support neighboring countries providing refugee care. Hospitals and healthcare workers are being attacked in Ukraine. Supply lines are under threat of bombardment.

The ignorant sit idly by as the water begins to slowly boil. By the time they realize the danger, it will be too late.


Multiple countries in Europe are showing an increase in infections, fueling concerns about the possibility of another global surge. The United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and Italy were among those that saw an upswing in cases this past week, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

The European surge also comes alongside conflict in Ukraine after the Russian invasion, leading to rising concerns about a public health crisis in the region sparked by densely crowded shelters and forced travel across borders. The WHO said earlier this month that the conflict may cause a surge in infections, straining scarce resources and contributing to more suffering and death.

BA.2, known as the “stealth” omicron variant, is making up a growing number of cases in some countries, and some studies show that it may be up to 30% more transmissible than the original omicron variant. China just locked down 52.5 million people to try and stop the spread of BA.2 stealth omicron. On March 15, China issued city-wide lockdowns in place in Shenzhen, affecting 12.5 million people, Dongguan (10.5 million), and Langfang (5.5 million), and locked down the whole province of Jilin, affecting 24 million. That’s 52.5 million people.

Cases of BA.2 made up an estimated 11.6% percent of cases in the United States as of March 5, 2022 according to CDC data, up from 6.6% February 26, 2022. In the United States hospitalizations are on the decline but this country has always lead the world in the number of cases and deaths. Only 44.3% of the U.S. population has received a booster dose so this country is ripe for another surge.

Omicron which was supposed to be a “milder” variant has killed more people than the Delta variant. World wide the number of deaths from COVID-19 is over 6 million. A new study found that the actual number may be 3 times higher, up to 18 million dead.

Crealde Urban Sketching Class

My Crealde Urban Sketching students have this week’s class off because of Thanksgiving.  I have 3 talents student an we work outside doing sketches of the campus.

I always do several sketches as well to show them my approach. I work quickly so that I can spend plenty of time walking to each student and offer sketch suggestions. I offer insights on perspective composition and how to work quickly.

The student in this sketch returned for a second round of classes. As she explained, the first time she suspected some of the information washed over her. Explaining the principles is far different that applying the principles in each sketch. That is why we spend most of each class sketching.

From the first class each student does finished watercolor sketches. They quickly realize that covering a sketch page with watercolor washes takes more time that expected.  It is rewarding to teach adults since they are more in tuned with the idea of slowing down and taking their time to finish each sketch. My main challenge is always to give people the time to truly see. Society moves at a breakneck pace and an artist needs to slow down to put things down on the sketch page. When my students are working outside I allow them to unmask but ask that they put it back on when within 6 feet of anyone else. I have notice them forgetting to mask back up and when they do I stay at least 22 feet away. That is about 4 dead bodies lying bed to toe.

Tropical Tree Crealde

On Sundays I teach Urban Sketching at Crealde School of Art. We spend most of our time outside sketching on the campus. This is the safest option to teach the class.

I did this sketch of Tropical Tree by John Walfe to demonstrate negative shapes in a sketch. Though the sculpture it the focus of the sketch, the pick up actually takes up more space o the page.

Rather than focusing on the trunk like yellow and green shapes I instead focused on the triangular shapes between the trunks. The same applied to the tree trunk in the background.

I also rushed this sketch to show that the paint does not have to be delicately applied to the sketch. I literally spattered paint and threw it at the page to create blunt rough textures.

I am always stressing perspective and making sure the viewer knows where the ground plane is. The cement base of the sculpture is the one hint about the ground plane while most other object are viewed rather straight on creating a flat image.

Crealde Thumbnails

On Sundays I teach an Urban Sketching class at Crealde School of Art. We work outside on the campus to stay safe from the virus. Masks are required in the     classroom but they are voluntary outside. I just insist that students put on their mask if they get within six feet of another student or myself.

This class was about doing a series of small sketches that explore the campus. The goal was to get 9, 4 or in my case 3 sketches on the page. I encouraged the students to thing in terms of a cinematic panorama.

As always I stressed the importance of using perspective to make it clear how each thing in the sketch is planted on the ground plane. Shadows under any object also help plant it in the scene.

I have a super talented student this semester and I am just encouraging her to keep the sketches in her sketchbook oriented in a similar way so that anyone who pucks up the sketchbook and flips through will not need to turn the sketchbook upside down or sideways to experience the next page or spread.

All week I work in the studio doing horrific images each day that document the pandemic and peoples ignorance, so it is nice to take one day a week to feel the sun on my face and simply put pastoral scenes on the page. Gustave Klimt put it perfectly, “Art is a line around your thoughts.”

COVID Caught a Cold

A gene sequence from the common cold virus has worked its way into the Omicron variant of COVID-19. This gene sequence was not in any of the previous mutations of the virus (Alpha, Beta, Delta).

This happened through a process known as switching. The COVID virus invaded a cell and at the same time a common cold virus invaded the same cell. The genes of the two viruses then get mixed up together. This new combination makes the virus more competitive and virulent.

The virus became far more transmissible but perhaps less pathogenic. Patients in South Africa are nor requiring as much oxygen as was needed for patients suffering from Delta.

Omicron is evading vaccines and people who have been infected in the past are being re-infected. Pfizer-BioNTech,  has announced that three doses of vaccine are needed to combat Omicron. Research has shown that a third vaccine shot increases antibodies by 25%. They did not say how long those antibodies last. The company is rushing to develop an Omicron specific version of the vaccine which should be available by March 2022.

Omicron is the most transmissible of all the variants of COVID-19 to date. It is 4 times more transmissible than Delta. It has now been detected in 57 countries. Those numbers change by the hour. It will dominate the world stage in several weeks time. We will all be exposed to this variant. Symptoms include, Body aches and pains, muscle pain, headache, tiredness (1 to 2 days), and a slight sore throat. People are not getting a severe cough, or runny nose. These symptoms are consistent with my everyday existence for the past 20 months. A loss of smell or taste is no longer a symptom with Omicron. The fact is that many people will not realize that they have COVID-19 with these symptoms. Most will not go to hospitals and will recover at home. It is important to note however that there has been an slight increase in hospitalizations in South Africa, but it has not been a huge spike consistent with the amazing exponential growth in infections.

Though Omicron looms in the near future, the fact is that Delta is causing a huge spike in hospitalizations and death in states like Michigan and Minnesota. Despite these rising cases and deaths, most Americans are done with the pandemic and have returned to pre-pandemic life styles. Thanksgiving travel rivaled pre-pandemic travel and cases that resulted from all that mingling are just now reaching their peak. People have let their guard down and the virus will take full advantage of that weakness.

Children are the new victims of the virus. 132,000 children have been reported with infections in the last week across the country. Children will be infected by the Omicron variant at an increased rate. Children need to be vaccinated and even boosted if they are eligible. In South Africa 80% of the patients admitted to hospitals and diagnosed with COVID were under the age of 50. This is a younger age profile than existed with the Delta surge.

COVID Fight or Flight

We have chosen flight over fight. Nations can choose to fight the war on COVID-19 by working together to vaccinate everyone in every nation or they can choose to cancel flights to nations that report new mutations.

As the virus spreads it will continue to mutate thus threatening every nation. Only 55% of the world population has received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. Only 6% of people in low-income countries have received at least one dose. That leaves plenty of unvaccinated people for the virus to infect and kill.

Nations that feel they are safe because they are offering booster jabs are misguided. The virus is evolving faster that the global distribution of vaccines. The World Health Organization set a target for all countries to vaccinate 10% of their populations by the end of September 2021. 56 countries effectively excluded from the global vaccine marketplace were not able to reach this target, most of them in Africa. It is not rocket science therefor to guess that new mutations would crop up in Africa.

Most manufacturers have largely spurned the opportunities to share technology and know-how and public health-oriented licensing. The global failure to share vaccines equitably is taking its toll on some of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people. New variants of concern mean that the risks of infection have increased in all countries for people who are not yet protected by vaccination.

When a hot spot emerges they should be bombed with huge supplies of vaccines, but instead borders are shut down and trade stops.

Anime Superspreader

A fully vaccinated and boosted man from Minnesota and 30 friends flew to New York City to attend an Anime Convention at the . After attending the the man tested positive for the Omicron variant of COVID-19. 15 of the others in his party also tested positive for COVID-19. It is uncertain whether any of those cases involved the Omicron variant.

The Minnesota man has recovered from mild symptoms that began shortly after the convention ended. His friends are from other states and their conditions are not yet known.

Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont reported on December 4, 2021 his state’s first case, a man in his 60s, seemed to originate from a relative of an infected man who had recently attended the anime convention. Additional family members were being tested, and both the man and his relative were fully vaccinated and experiencing only mild symptoms.

The anime convention, which drew 53 thousand people to the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center for three days, was likely a vector for spreading the new variant. Many attendees wore masks but some of the rooms were incredibly crowded with people crowded together shoulder to shoulder.

Convention attendees were required to provide proof that they had received at least one vaccine shot and they had to wear masks, according to convention web site. A single shot of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine is at most 80% effective at preventing infection. That efficacy drops with the new Omicron variant. The bottom line is that it was irresponsible to hold such a crowded convention in a pandemic.

America’s COVID-19  testing and contact-tracing efforts, have been a complete failure since the start of the pandemic so the full extent of the spread from this single convention will never be fully known. After Minnesota officials learned that the convention attendee had the Omicron variant, they informed the New York City Health Department. City health officials said that they had begun sending text messages and emails to the thousands of the anime convention’s attendees, urging them to get tested. Dr. Ted Long, who oversees the city’s contact tracing program, said that he was aware of five positive cases so far among New York City residents who attended the anime convention. The CDC is assisting the Minnesota and New York City health departments in tracking any cases, a spokeswoman said.

It is easy the Anime Convention organizers to pass the blame. Perhaps the Minnesota man and his friends were infected at a restaurant, at the hotel or on the flight. Besides these people chose to attend this superspreader event. It is their own damn fault, oh, and thanks for attending.