Oval Office Fauna

Shortly after 1 a.m., on Friday October 1, 2020 Trump tweeted that he and his wife had tested positive for COVID-19.

An infected Donald Trump returned to the White House from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and is once again taking up residence in the Oval Office according to Larry Kudlow. No one had answered the question as to when the president last tested negative before his positive COVID-19 test on Thursday October 1, 2020.

He might have been infected at the Rose Garden event he held for Amy Coney Barrett on September 26, 2020. At least 11 people who attended that event have contracted the virus.  hundreds of people were packed together on the south lawn with few choosing to wear masks. No contact tracing has been done by the White House for those infected.

On September 29, 2020 Trump flew to the presidential debate where he arrived late and didn’t not test for the virus. Moderator Chris Wallace said they relied on the honor system to hope that Trump had been tested. His family in the audience also refused to wear masks. Joe Biden and his group at the debate all tested negative so far.

On September 30, 2020 Trump flew to Minnesota for a fundraiser and an outdoor rally. Hope Hicks, one of his closest aides, reportedly started to feel unwell and tried to isolate on the Air Force One ride back to Washington. Think of how hard it would be to “isolate” on a plane ride. Hope Hicks received a positive COVID-19 test on Thursday October 1, 2020.

Trump plans to have a public event at the White House on Saturday October 10, 2020. He plans to stand Evita Style on the balcony and spray the crowd of several hundred people with is words and droplets. He will be socially distanced up on the balcony but they will not. He has claimed to have made a full recovery and that he is immune to the virus, but he was coughing up a lung on a FOX news interview with Sean Hannity.

34 people close to the White House have been reported to be infected by COVID-19.  Trump’s return is reckless putting his entire staff at risk. There are about 90 people who work in the White House, so not everyone is exposed just yet. Not everyone comes in to direct contact with the infected first family. Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany  told reported she would not say how many White House staff are infected, citing privacy concerns. Kayleigh is infected. Any staff that come close to the president must wear full PPE. “Isolation carts” with PPE are being set up with gowns, masks and goggles for any staff who come within six feet of the president, senior administration officials said.

On Sunday October 4, 2020 Trump put two secret service agents at risk by having them take him on a joy ride in an SUV as they drove him outside the hospital to wave to supporters. He wore a mask, and the agents wore masks and protective smocks. Even with the PPE they were at risk being in the hermetically sealed vehicle with the infected president.

Oh yes, raccoons are taking over the White House. Since the place is so quiet masked marauders have returned and are attacking reporters outside the building. Unlike Trump they are always masked.

Yesterday This Was Home: Tall Driver

This shot pans up from the kids to the driver. The two filed guides show the progress of the camera move upwards. My idea behind this was inspired by Alice in Wonderland where she grows in size filling a room. The camera move plays down this exaggerated perspective but you feel that something is off. The narrator recalled that this was a younger driver who didn’t have the attitude of the older driver. I cleaned up the characters a bit but let the camera move carry the story forward through this shot. Part of my inspiration as well came from Citizen Kane after the election when Kane seemed like a giant. Orson Well put the camera literally below the floor boars to get the shot looking up at Kane.

This film is now on display at the Orange County Regional History Center (65 East Central Blvd Orlando FL) for the new exhibition, Yesterday This Was Home, about the 1920 Ocoee Voting Day Massacre. The exhibition is open until February 14, 2021. The 1920 Ocoee Massacre in Orange County, Florida, remains the largest incident of voting-day violence in United States history.

Events unfolded on Election Day 1920, when Mose Norman, a black U.S. citizen, attempted to exercise his legal right to vote in Ocoee and was turned away from the polls. That evening, a mob of armed white men came to the home of his friend, July Perry, in an effort to locate Norman. Shooting ensued. Perry was captured and eventually lynched. An unknown number of African American citizens were murdered, and their homes and community were burned to the ground. Most of the black population of Ocoee fled, never to return.

This landmark exhibition will mark the 100-year remembrance of the Ocoee Massacre. The exhibition will explore not only this horrific time in our community’s history but also historical and recent incidents of racism, hatred, and terror, some right here at home.

The content will encourage reflection on a century of social transformation, the power of perspective, and the importance of exercising the right to vote, and will ask what lessons history can inspire moving forward.

To promote safe distancing, the museum has implemented new ticketing procedures for this special exhibition. For the run of the exhibition, the museum will have extended operating hours to create a safe viewing experience for a greater number of people. On Sundays the museum will open two hours earlier at 10 am. and stay open two hours earlier until 7 p.m. And on Thursdays, we will be open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Rose Garden Super Spreader

Now that the animation project is finished, I can not resist starting to do Covid-19 themed illustrations again. Every day brings a new heightened insanity. I am not trying to do a COVID illustration ever day just yet since I want to finish posting the storyboards and animation from the project I have been working on for the past month.

The COVID-19 Rose Garden super spreader event had to be painted. The super spreader event was staged to celebrate Trumps push to have Amy Coney Barrett take the supreme cort slot that opened when Ruth Bader Ginsburg died of natural causes. I researched who was sitting where and who fist bumped and hugged who. The White House is not doing any contact tracing so I felt as an artist I had to document who might have infected who. The number of people infected in the White House keeps rising. The latest number I have from earlier today is 34 people.

Among the infected are of course Donald and Melania Trump . Trump announced his infection early Friday morning October 2, 2020 via Twitter. Senators Mike Lee and Thom Tillis both tested positive on Friday Evening October 2, 2020. Lee is seen in the foreground of this illustration hugging a couple. Watching video footage of the Rose Garden event was like watching a train wreck of stupidity since few wore masks as they hugged an bumped fists. Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christi has been hospitalized due to the virus as has Trump who has since returned to the White House claiming he was immune.

The latest count as of October 8, 2020 shows 34 White House staff infected according to a memo distributed to FEMA Homeland Security senior management. Hope Hicks and Stephen Miller who are senior aids to the president tested positive. Government officials have gone to great lengths to block information about the outbreak’s spread and basic information about the president’s health. No one knows when the president last tested negative for the virus. It is possible he went to a fundraiser in New Jersey and to the debate with Joe Biden knowing he was infected. As late as Wednesday October 7, 202 White House aides were seen in meeting  without masks. The White House seemed to rely on testing to keep the virus from the president but clearly that plan had holes when science and basic health safety measures are ignored.

Yesterday This Was Home: I Have Whites Getting On the Bus

In this shot, the new driver explains that he has white people getting on the bus and he asks the kids to move to the back.  I decided to keep him as a looming dark silhouette in the foreground and I zoomed in on the kids which saved me from having him deliver the dialogue. He repeats the request a second time later, pleading with the kids so I focused my attention on fully animating the dialogue in that scene. I decided I could just get away with the camera move in this scene and decided the kids remained still. The style throughout the film is that the kids are bathed in light and the driver is in the dark.

This film is now on display at the Orange County Regional History Center (65 East Central Blvd Orlando FL) for the new exhibition, Yesterday This Was Home, about the 1920 Ocoee Voting Day Massacre.

The exhibition is open until February 14, 2021. The 1920 Ocoee Massacre in Orange County, Florida, remains the largest incident of voting-day violence in United States history.

Events unfolded on Election Day 1920, when Mose Norman, a black U.S. citizen, attempted to exercise his legal right to vote in Ocoee and was turned away from the polls. That evening, a mob of armed white men came to the home of his friend, July Perry, in an effort to locate Norman. Shooting ensued. Perry was captured and eventually lynched. An unknown number of African American citizens were murdered, and their homes and community were burned to the ground. Most of the black population of Ocoee fled, never to return.

This landmark exhibition will mark the 100-year remembrance of the Ocoee Massacre. The exhibition will explore not only this horrific time in our community’s history but also historical and recent incidents of racism, hatred, and terror, some right here at home.

The content will encourage reflection on a century of social transformation, the power of perspective, and the importance of exercising the right to vote, and will ask what lessons history can inspire moving forward.

To promote safe distancing, the museum has implemented new ticketing procedures for this special exhibition. For the run of the exhibition, the museum will have extended operating hours to create a safe viewing experience for a greater number of people. On Sundays the museum will open two hours earlier at 10 am. and stay open two hours earlier until 7 p.m. And on Thursdays, we will be open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.


Yesterday This Was Home: New Driver

When the Greyhound bus got to Jacksonville, Florida, one driver got off the bus and another driver got back on. When I got to animating this scene I decided there wasn’t enough time to get the driver up the bus steps. Instead I had him already inside and walking down the aisle, seen only through the bus windows. This had the added advantage that I didn’t have to worry as much about animating his lags and arm swings. The animation went smoothly but I could not get away with animating him of fours. With that wide spacing between drawings he seemed to pop into view in the bus windows too abruptly. I had to put any animation seen in the bus windows on twos which means each drawing was held for two frames of film.

The bus painting was reused from the shot of the bus pulling up into Winter Park. To allow to see the character through the windows I duplicated the bus layer in Procreate and erased the windows- I stacked the layers so that the bus driver animation was between the background bus layer and the foreground bus layer. The main reason for doing this was that I could quickly paint the driver without being super careful about painting near the windows.

This film is now on display at the Orange County Regional History Center (65 East Central Blvd Orlando FL) for the new exhibition, Yesterday This Was Home, about the 1920 Ocoee Voting Day Massacre.

The exhibition is open until February 14, 2021. The 1920 Ocoee Massacre in Orange County, Florida, remains the largest incident of voting-day violence in United States history.

Events unfolded on Election Day 1920, when Mose Norman, a black U.S. citizen, attempted to exercise his legal right to vote in Ocoee and was turned away from the polls. That evening, a mob of armed white men came to the home of his friend, July Perry, in an effort to locate Norman. Shooting ensued. Perry was captured and eventually lynched. An unknown number of African American citizens were murdered, and their homes and community were burned to the ground. Most of the black population of Ocoee fled, never to return.

This landmark exhibition will mark the 100-year remembrance of the Ocoee Massacre. The exhibition will explore not only this horrific time in our community’s history but also historical and recent incidents of racism, hatred, and terror, some right here at home.

The content will encourage reflection on a century of social transformation, the power of perspective, and the importance of exercising the right to vote, and will ask what lessons history can inspire moving forward.

To promote safe distancing, the museum has implemented new ticketing procedures for this special exhibition. For the run of the exhibition, the museum will have extended operating hours to create a safe viewing experience for a greater number of people. On Sundays the museum will open two hours earlier at 10 am. and stay open two hours earlier until 7 p.m. And on Thursdays, we will be open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Yesterday This Was Home: The Driver

This shot only lasts two seconds as the narrator says, “The Driver”. I zoomed in a bit during the shot and decided animation was not needed. I did enough research so that I knew every nut and bolt of the bus interior when I drew the backgrounds. As I mentioned before the storyboards doubled as the backgrounds, which meant that what ever quick spontaneous decisions I made as I boarded the short remained in the final look of the film.

Several scenes in the film had several values in flesh tones and since this did not animate I simply kept the painterly feel of the board. With most white passengers I made sure to have pure white highlights. Actually I painted white passengers pure white and then added a few shadows to keep them pasty white as much as possible.

This film is now on display at the Orange County Regional History Center (65 East Central Blvd Orlando FL) for the new exhibition, Yesterday This Was Home, about the 1920 Ocoee Voting Day Massacre.

The exhibition is open until February 14, 2021. The 1920 Ocoee Massacre in Orange County, Florida, remains the largest incident of voting-day violence in United States history.

Events unfolded on Election Day 1920, when Mose Norman, a black U.S. citizen, attempted to exercise his legal right to vote in Ocoee and was turned away from the polls. That evening, a mob of armed white men came to the home of his friend, July Perry, in an effort to locate Norman. Shooting ensued. Perry was captured and eventually lynched. An unknown number of African American citizens were murdered, and their homes and community were burned to the ground. Most of the black population of Ocoee fled, never to return.

This landmark exhibition will mark the 100-year remembrance of the Ocoee Massacre. The exhibition will explore not only this horrific time in our community’s history but also historical and recent incidents of racism, hatred, and terror, some right here at home.

The content will encourage reflection on a century of social transformation, the power of perspective, and the importance of exercising the right to vote, and will ask what lessons history can inspire moving forward.

To promote safe distancing, the museum has implemented new ticketing procedures for this special exhibition. For the run of the exhibition, the museum will have extended operating hours to create a safe viewing experience for a greater number of people. On Sundays the museum will open two hours earlier at 10 am. and stay open two hours earlier until 7 p.m. And on Thursdays, we will be open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Yesterday This Was Home: Jacksonville

The bus pulled into the Jacksonville Florida Greyhound station. I did my research to find out exactly what the Jacksonville station looked like back in 1957. The only animation was of the bus pulling up to the station and stopping. I already had a painting of the bus from earlier when I animated the battle line. I duplicated that painting and erased the background and then imported that image with the transparent background into this scene. The animation consisted of setting a starting position just off screen for the bus and then a stopping position and creating key frames for those two positions in Adobe Premiere Pro. Another nice feature of the program is that it had an ease in setting which nicely decelerated the bus to a stop.

The wheels don’t spin but once the sound of the bus stopping was added the scene seemed realistic enough. Sound effects made a big difference in adding believably. Jacksonville has a reputation for its racism, notably an incident known as Axe Handle Saturday when white beat black with axe handles in 1960 which was three years after this story takes place.

This short film is now on display at the Orange County Regional History Center (65 East Central Blvd, Orlando FL) in the exhibition titled, Yesterday This Was Home, about the 1920 Ocoee Voting Day Massacre.

The exhibition is open until February 14, 2021. The 1920 Ocoee Massacre in Orange County, Florida, remains the largest incident of voting-day violence in United States history.

Events unfolded on Election Day 1920, when Mose Norman, a black U.S. citizen, attempted to exercise his legal right to vote in Ocoee and was turned away from the polls. That evening, a mob of armed white men came to the home of his friend, July Perry, in an effort to locate Norman. Shooting ensued. Perry was captured and eventually lynched. An unknown number of African American citizens were murdered, and their homes and community were burned to the ground. Most of the black population of Ocoee fled, never to return.

This landmark exhibition will mark the 100-year remembrance of the Ocoee Massacre. The exhibition will explore not only this horrific time in our community’s history but also historical and recent incidents of racism, hatred, and terror, some right here at home.

The content will encourage reflection on a century of social transformation, the power of perspective, and the importance of exercising the right to vote, and will ask what lessons history can inspire moving forward.

To promote safe distancing, the museum has implemented new ticketing procedures for this special exhibition. For the run of the exhibition, the museum will have extended operating hours to create a safe viewing experience for a greater number of people. On Sundays the museum will open two hours earlier at 10 am. and stay open two hours earlier until 7 p.m. And on Thursdays, we will be open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Yesterday This Was Home: Reinventing the Wheel

The sound of the bus accelerating grows louder as we cut to this close up of the wheel spinning. I am showing the various layers that were used in the animation that I assembled in Adobe Premiere Pro. The background is dark grey with just a shadow painted on it. The wheel well was animated separate from the wheel itself to give some added motion of the bus suspension. The wheel was surprisingly difficult to animate simply because the first two times I didn’t draw perfect circles. The slightest imperfections were instantly noticeable with the oblong wheel wobbling out of control. The final pass still wobbles a bit around the central axis, but I wasn’t about to start over so I lived with it. I discovered that it is possible to draw a perfect circle in Procreate and that is what helped me finally assemble a decent wheel.

Animating in Premiere Pro was easy each time. I just rotated the tire around it’s central axis and set key frames in the timeline. That was easy, but with the wheel wobbles, I had to go back and redraw. I considered animating the wheel in Callipeg, but it seemed like it would be harder with a whole lot more steps involving a lot of copying and pasting. I considered adding paint to the black wheel areas to show motion as well, but the painting of the tire was partly transparent which achieved the same effect quite by mistake. I am always glad for happy accidents.

When working a scene in Disney’s Animated Feature Film Mulan I got to show the world class animator, Mark Henn the cleaned up drawings I had done for his scene. The scene was of the bath lady pushing Mulan into the tub. I had thought through what her legs might be doing under the long skirt. Mark simply remarked, “You don’t have to reinvent the wheel every time.” It is a quite that has lingered with me. Sometimes you just have to trust in the grace and flow of a scene without getting caught up in the mechanics. It turns out that this scene with the bus tire was all about mechanics, so I had to reinvent the wheel several times.

This film is now on display at the Orange County Regional History Center (65 East Central Blvd Orlando FL) for the new exhibition, Yesterday This Was Home, about the 1920 Ocoee Voting Day Massacre.

The exhibition is open until February 14, 2021. The 1920 Ocoee Massacre in Orange County, Florida, remains the largest incident of voting-day violence in United States history.

Events unfolded on Election Day 1920, when Mose Norman, a black U.S. citizen, attempted to exercise his legal right to vote in Ocoee and was turned away from the polls. That evening, a mob of armed white men came to the home of his friend, July Perry, in an effort to locate Norman. Shooting ensued. Perry was captured and eventually lynched. An unknown number of African American citizens were murdered, and their homes and community were burned to the ground. Most of the black population of Ocoee fled, never to return.

This landmark exhibition will mark the 100-year remembrance of the Ocoee Massacre. The exhibition will explore not only this horrific time in our community’s history but also historical and recent incidents of racism, hatred, and terror, some right here at home.

The content will encourage reflection on a century of social transformation, the power of perspective, and the importance of exercising the right to vote, and will ask what lessons history can inspire moving forward.

To promote safe distancing, the museum has implemented new ticketing procedures for this special exhibition. For the run of the exhibition, the museum will have extended operating hours to create a safe viewing experience for a greater number of people. On Sundays the museum will open two hours earlier at 10 am. and stay open two hours earlier until 7 p.m. And on Thursdays, we will be open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Yesterday This Was Home: OK

The girl simply replied “OK” when Sam explains that they have a right to anywhere they want on the bus. This animation simply involved tilting her head and raising her eye brows as she said “OK.” She has a concerned look implying that she thinks Sam might be exaggerating their predicament.

I I had time to go back into scenes, I would revise her hair style in this scene since I developed a look that seems to be more appealing in later scenes I animated. But like many things in life, I have to accept the choices made at the time. The animation is already on display and I am just having to revise the opening titles a bit. I decided today to incorporate some old film scratches into the opening scenes which adds to the aged look to the animation.

Again, the animation is on display at the Orange County Regional History Center (65 East Central Blvd Orlando FL) from  October 3, 2020 to February 14, 2021. The exhibit is about the 1920 Ocoee Massacre in Orange County, Florida, remains the largest incident of voting-day violence in United States history.

Events unfolded on Election Day 1920, when Mose Norman, a black U.S. citizen, attempted to exercise his legal right to vote in Ocoee and was turned away from the polls. That evening, a mob of armed white men came to the home of his friend, July Perry, in an effort to locate Norman. Shooting ensued. Perry was captured and eventually lynched. An unknown number of African American citizens were murdered, and their homes and community were burned to the ground. Most of the black population of Ocoee fled, never to return.

This landmark exhibition by the Orange County Regional History Center will mark the 100-year remembrance of the Ocoee Massacre. The exhibition will explore not only this horrific time in our community’s history but also historical and recent incidents of racism, hatred, and terror, some right here at home.

The content will encourage reflection on a century of social transformation, the power of perspective, and the importance of exercising the right to vote, and will ask what lessons history can inspire for moving forward.

To promote safe distancing, we have implemented new ticketing procedures for this special exhibition. These procedures go into effect after October 3, 2020. For the run of the exhibition, we will have extended operating hours to create a safe viewing experience for a greater number of people. On Sundays after October 3, we will open two hours earlier at 10 am. and stay open two hours earlier until 7 p.m. And on Thursdays, we will be open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Yesterday This Was Home: Animated Map

As Sam talks about the recent court case that makes segregation illegal when traveling between states, this animated map shows the bus route to Detroit from Orlando through Jacksonville. This was fairly straight forward, by setting up a start key that set position and scale of the art in Adobe Premiere Pro. I then zoomed out to include enough f the map to show Detroit as well. The white line showing the bus route was added in Callipeg copying each frame and adding a bit more to the line with each new frame. I think this was the first animation I did with the program to get used to the interface. I did enough research to be sure that all the highways were indeed circa 1957.

This animated short will be on display a the Orange County Regional History Center (65 East Central Blvd Orlando Fl) from October 3, 2020 to February 14, 2021 as part of the new exhibition called Yesterday This Was Home which is about the 1920 Ocoee Massacre in Orange County, Florida, remains the largest incident of voting-day violence in United States history.

Events unfolded on Election Day 1920, when Mose Norman, a black U.S. citizen, attempted to exercise his legal right to vote in Ocoee and was turned away from the polls. That evening, a mob of armed white men came to the home of his friend, July Perry, in an effort to locate Norman. Shooting ensued. Perry was captured and eventually lynched. An unknown number of African American citizens were murdered, and their homes and community were burned to the ground. Most of the black population of Ocoee fled, never to return.

This landmark exhibition will mark the 100-year remembrance of the Ocoee Massacre. The exhibition will explore not only this horrific time in our community’s history but also historical and recent incidents of racism, hatred, and terror, some right here at home.

The content will encourage reflection on a century of social transformation, the power of perspective, and the importance of exercising the right to vote, and will ask what lessons history can inspire for moving forward.

To promote safe distancing, the museum has implemented new ticketing procedures for this special exhibition. These procedures go into effect after October 3, 2020. For the run of the exhibition, the museum will have extended operating hours to create a safe viewing experience for a greater number of people. On Sundays after October 3, we will open two hours earlier at 10 am. and stay open two hours earlier until 7 p.m. And on Thursdays, we will be open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Exhibition programming

AdVOTEcacy in Action
Saturday, October 3, 2020

Coffee with a Curator
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Saturday, January 9, 2021

Celebrating Black Culture: Music, Storytelling, and Poetry
Evolution of Music
Thursday, October 15, 2020

The Legacy of Ocoee: A Panel Discussion
Thursday, October 29, 2020

Lunch & Learn: Crafting the Ocoee Exhibition
Friday, November 6, 2020

The Destruction of Rosewood
Sunday, November 15, 2020

Family Days: Growing a Better Tomorrow
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Saturday, February 6, 2021