Yesterday This Was Home: Tall Driver

This shot pans up from the kids to the driver. The two filed guides show the progress of the camera move upwards. My idea behind this was inspired by Alice in Wonderland where she grows in size filling a room. The camera move plays down this exaggerated perspective but you feel that something is off. The narrator recalled that this was a younger driver who didn’t have the attitude of the older driver. I cleaned up the characters a bit but let the camera move carry the story forward through this shot. Part of my inspiration as well came from Citizen Kane after the election when Kane seemed like a giant. Orson Well put the camera literally below the floor boars to get the shot looking up at Kane.

This film is now on display at the Orange County Regional History Center (65 East Central Blvd Orlando FL) for the new exhibition, Yesterday This Was Home, about the 1920 Ocoee Voting Day Massacre. The exhibition is open until February 14, 2021. The 1920 Ocoee Massacre in Orange County, Florida, remains the largest incident of voting-day violence in United States history.

Events unfolded on Election Day 1920, when Mose Norman, a black U.S. citizen, attempted to exercise his legal right to vote in Ocoee and was turned away from the polls. That evening, a mob of armed white men came to the home of his friend, July Perry, in an effort to locate Norman. Shooting ensued. Perry was captured and eventually lynched. An unknown number of African American citizens were murdered, and their homes and community were burned to the ground. Most of the black population of Ocoee fled, never to return.

This landmark exhibition will mark the 100-year remembrance of the Ocoee Massacre. The exhibition will explore not only this horrific time in our community’s history but also historical and recent incidents of racism, hatred, and terror, some right here at home.

The content will encourage reflection on a century of social transformation, the power of perspective, and the importance of exercising the right to vote, and will ask what lessons history can inspire moving forward.

To promote safe distancing, the museum has implemented new ticketing procedures for this special exhibition. For the run of the exhibition, the museum will have extended operating hours to create a safe viewing experience for a greater number of people. On Sundays the museum will open two hours earlier at 10 am. and stay open two hours earlier until 7 p.m. And on Thursdays, we will be open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Queen of Hearts Casino Night

Jenny Coyle organized a Queen of Hearts Casino Night in the parking lot next to Maxine’s on Shine (337 north shine ave, Orlando, Florida). Jenny organized the event to help raise money for her independent film, “Perfect Love“. Terry wore all stripes looking like a zebra on steroids. I thought I would sketch her playing, but she wandered to the far table and I didn’t see her again.

Shelly Maxine introduced herself saying I had sketched her many years ago as she folded napkins in another restaurant. She was dressed up as the mad hatter and her wild red hair sprouted out from beneath a cougar skinned fur hat. She and her husband, Kirt, are the best possible proprietors at this amazing restaurant. A musician was performing inside and he had just released a CD. He was performing Beetles cover songs however so I didn’t get a taste of what his original music might be like. Jenny wore a bright pink queens dress. She said she felt like a five year old when she saw it.

As Jenny said, “Don’t lose your head, it’s only a party! 

There will be:

Blackjack, prizes, drinks, and live entertainment!

For just $10 you got your first drink and your first few thousand dollars in funny money for the casino. We’re making our money off of the buy in for the casino, and the silent auction items. Naturally this means we are trying to get as many people there as possible. 
Costumes aren’t required, but I might be inclined to give you some extra cash for the casino if you come out in an Alice in Wonderland themed getup.”

After Terry lost all her chips and I finished my sketch, we went into Maxine’s for an appetizer. I ordered some Calamari and it was great, being baked rather than fried with a sweet vinegar drizzle on top. I took the waiters advice on a beer although I don’t recall the band. Maxine invited me back to sketch the restaurant interior and I will most certainly go back. The place is a real gem.

Wonderland Tea Party

Lesley Silvia teaches photography at Full Sail. I first met Lesley and her husband Jared at the Kerouac House. Jared is a writer. Leslie decided to host an Alice in Wonderland themed tea party for her birthday party. The tea party was held in a large pavilion at Secret Lake Park (200 Ivy Road, Casselberry). Terry and I used an iPhone GPS to drive to the Secret Lake. We arrived at a softball field and parking lot. There was only one other car in the parking lot. This couldn’t be it. We decided to drive off and find another road that approached the secret lake. No wonder the lake was secret. Paper bag mushrooms lined the approach to the pavilion. A white rabbit and topiary decorated the tables. It was a lavish affair.

A dozen or so of Lesley’s friends were gathered in the shade of the pavilion. It was a hot humid day. Women were given bright top hats that Lesley had made with paper and hot glue. Men were given newspaper bow ties. Vegan cupcakes were being arranged on the center table and Lesley had jars of raw tea that we could scoop up to make our own tea bags. A coffee machine supplied the hot water. Jared set up several large fans that offered a welcome breeze.  I made iced tea by soaking my tea bag in a half cup of hot water and then putting in ice cubes.

Many of the people gathered were artists and Leslie gave each one of those Russian nesting dolls that stack inside each other. Markers, colored pencils, brushes and paint were supplied so anyone who wanted to could create a masterpiece. Terry created one of her patented smiley face creations. There were some fabulous creations. One had monster’s heads that could be rotated to sit on various monster bodies. After tea, finger sandwiches and cupcakes, a few people braved the sun to play bocce ball on the lawn. Terry and I rushed off to see The Avengers movie.