Lab Leak?

President Joe Biden asked the intelligence community to redouble their efforts to examine whether COVID-19 emerged from human contact with an infected animal or from a laboratory accident. The COVID-19 lab leak theory seems to be gaining ground after 3 researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology were reported to have gone to a hospital with COVID-19 like symptoms in November 22020, a month before the outbreak was reported in China. Those researches have yet to be identified.

SARS and MERS were linked to an animal host that then infected a human. It  should be noted that finding the source of an outbreak can take decades, so a quick evidence based answer may not come with the report President Biden requested. The World Health Organization (WHO), reported that there’s no support for the lab leak theory. However the director of the WHO said that the lab leak theory is still on the table. Bat caves about 1000 miles from Wuhan have been considered as a possible source for the virus. However researches have yet to find the virus in captured bats from the caves. The Chinese government has sampled something like close to 80,000 different wildlife samples. The outbreak began in the winter which is a time when bats would have been hibernating.

In the Untied States, the National Institutes of Health grants money to this EcoHealth Alliance which then grants money to other groups, including the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Peter Daszak, the head of EcoHealth Alliance orchestrated a letter that discredited the lab-leak theory. A number of the signatories on that letter were on EcoHealth Alliance payroll. There is a clear conflict on interest. When the WHO went to China to research the origins of the virus China approved one U.S. representative, and that was Peter Daszak who had authored a letter discrediting the lab leak theory.

U.S. State Department investigators  investigating the possible lab leak theory realizes they might be opening a Pandora’s box since U.S. tax payer dollars were being used to fund research that might have caused the COVID-19 outbreak. The investigators put out a statement that Wuhan Institute of Virology was conducting classified military research. Gain of function research takes an existing virus and makes it more contagious for humans.

China acted to cover things up from the beginning of the outbreak by initially claiming that the virus was not transmissible from person to person, they downplayed outbreak severity, and they silenced of scientists and doctors in China who spoke out about this. Journalists who went to the Wuhan marked were detained by police. Shortly after the start of the COVID-19 outbreak China invested in beefing up the safety protocols a the virus research institutes. A critical database that contains about 22,000 viral samples was taken offline several months before the official outbreak of the pandemic and has not been restored.

Back in 2012 six miners in China went to the Mojiang mine shaft to shovel bat feces. They became incredibly ill with symptoms that resemble COVID-19. Three of the miners died. The incident was not reported to the WHO. Viral samples of from that mine shaft  were taken to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and analyzed. The virus sampled was 96.2% similar to COVID-19.

There is no smoking gun to prove or disprove a lab leak theory. Weather the virus transferred naturally from an animal to humans or it leaked from a lab, it is important to find the answer of how this outbreak began. Much like how the FAA always looks into every plane crash, finding the problem that caused the crash can prevent future crashes or pandemics.

Karens Fear The Vaccinated

Vice World News reported that, a new conspiracy theory is convincing anti maskers that they have to start masking up and social distancing to protect themselves from the vaccinated.

The baseless conspiracy theory proposes that the vaccinated will “shed” certain proteins onto the unvaccinated who will then suffer adverse effects. The main worry is the “shedding” will cause irregular menstruation, infertility, and miscarriages. This is part of a larger conspiracy that COVID-19 was a ploy to depopulate the world, and the vaccine is what will cull the masses. 

Experts say the conspiracy is born from a fundamental misunderstanding of how vaccines work. It has been widely debunked.

Anti-vax influencers are instructing their fellow anti-vaxxers as well as anti-maskers that one of the best ways to defend themselves from this blight is to co-opt social distancing, and wearing masks, the very strategy they have long decried.  They long cried that those that wore masks were sheep. Now they must sheepishly protect themselves from the growing flock. Of course many anti maskers think that masks do not work therefor they would not be protected from the vaccinated even if  they do adopt the masks. Who ever came up with these new insane conspiracy theories must be a genius who finally found a way to get their misguided followers to mask up and social distance.

A podunk private school in South Florida went so far as to ban vaccinated teachers from interacting with unvaccinated students. Teachers were cautioned that if they get vaccinated, they won’t be allowed to return next year. The school’s CEO and co-founder cited unsupported assertions about Covid-19 vaccines that contradict a large body of evidence of the vaccines’ safety and efficacy from the Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health and the World Health Organization. There is more scientific evidence to prove that Botox injections shed a persons ability to reason.

India’s Double Mutant Arrives in Nevada

Seven cases of India’s Double Mutant have been identified in Nevada. This mutant has been contributing to the devastating surge of COVID-19 in India.

Residents with cases of the variant “did not appear to have traveled,” said Heather Kerwin, epidemiology program manager for the Washoe County Health District. This indicates that there is community spread.

Mutations make the COVID Virus better able to evade the body’s immune defenses produced through immunization or prior infection. Early evidence indicates that vaccines still protect against it, though the level of protection might be somewhat lower, Mark Pandori, director of the Nevada State Public Laboratory at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine. said.

Based on a CDC recommendation, the U.S. announced April 30, 2021 that starting May 4, 2021 it will restrict travel from India because of the sharp increases in cases and deaths there.

Since the mutations have already arrived, this is clearly too little too late. As long as residents vaccinate they could stop this virulent mutation from spreading. The variant has also been found in Michigan which is experiencing a huge spike in COVID Cases in recent weeks.

The variant has been identified in at least 17 countries, according to the World Health Organization.

One Year Ago Today

Due to Covid-19 their are NO Top 6 Picks for this Weekend! Orlando is on lock down. STAY HOME. Say Safe.

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Covid-19 outbreak a pandemic.  The number of cases of the virus outside China had increased 13 fold. The number of affected countries has tripled. There are no more than 118,000 cases in 114 countries. The number of cases, deaths and countries affected will continue to climb. As of March 9, 2021 525,000 Americans have died from COVID-19, which is more American deaths that WWI and WWII combined.

WHO has been following the outbreak and they are alarmed by the spread and severity of the disease and they are alarmed by the inaction by governments. This is the first pandemic caused by a corona virus. The United States now has the most coronavirus cases and deaths of any country in the world.

County Mayor Jerry Demings announced that an Orange County Florida resident died while traveling abroad in California. As of this morning, Demings has declared a local emergency for Orange County. The emergency operations center has been activated and is fully staffed. He compared this outbreak to the three hurricanes that ravaged Central Florida in 2004.

Gatherings of 200 people or more have been canceled. The goal is to stop the spread of the Covid-19 Virus. An Orange County Executive Order is still in effect requiring residents to wear a face covering when in public spaces.
The Parks Department will cancel all programs for seniors. City-hosted, sponsors and permitted events with 50+ attendees are cancelled or postponed until further notice.
Orange County Spring Break camps will continue as planned, but field trips have been canceled. There are many Spring Break Camps happening in Central Florida in 2021 despite the pandemic. Yet, all youth and adult sporting activities and programs at Families, Parks and Recreation facilities are suspended effective immediately until further notice according to the Orlando City web site.
County Special events have been postponed, including Fort Christmas Bluegrass Festival and other events. The 2021 Fort Christmas Bluegrass Festival has also been canceled.

City Mayor Buddy Dyer issued a state of emergency for the city of Orlando.

All City events have been canceled through the end of the month, including the plant sale at Leu Gardens, The Sunday Farmers Market at Lake Eola. The plant sale at Leu Gardens is being held March 13 and 14, 2021 despite the pandemic. The Lake Eola Farmers Market is open each Sunday in 2021 despite the pandemic with guests required to wear masks.
All activities related to seniors have been suspended.
Youth activities will go on.

Disney announced that Walt Disney World will be closed starting Sunday March 15, 2020 through the end of the month. Employees of the Disney theme parks will be paid despite the closure. The hotels at both Walt Disney World and Disneyland Paris will remain open until further notice. The retail and dining complexes, Disney Springs at Walt Disney World and Disney Village at Disneyland Paris, will remain open. All Disney Cruise line departures have been suspended. Disney World re-opened July 11, 2020. Masks are required. Disney World is sold out as the 2021 spring break approaches.

The release of Disney’s live action remake of Mulan is being delayed with no determined release date due to Covid-19 concerns. Mulan was released on September 4, 2020 on Disney +. Disney has also pulled the release of New Mutants and the Guillermo del Toro produced horror movie AntlersA. AntlersA is slate to be releases on September 21, 2021.

Universal Studios also announced the Universal Orlando Resort will close on Sunday. Hourly employees will be paid for any work scheduled through the end of March, a company spokesperson said in a statement. Universal Orlando’s hotels and Universal CityWalk will remain open. Universal Studios re-opened on June 5, 2020,

Legoland also announced closure due to Covid-19. Legoland re-opened June 1, 2020.

As of today the City of Orlando has not canceled any city-hosted events and or meetings. I was at a city hosted Diversitastic dining event just last night. As we ate dinner, the Theme parks announced closures. The city says they are taking the decision to cancel or postpone city-hosted events very seriously. There are ongoing discussions that are happening every day as they continue to monitor and evaluate the situation. Diversitastic dining experiences have been happening monthly despite the pandemic. Staff wear face coverings, and patrons are asked to do so when arriving and interacting with waitstaff. Temperature are taken before entry, and hand sanitizer is provided. Guests are seated only with their own party, at a safe but friendly distance from other tables. Electronic payment in advance means money will only change hands if extra drinks are purchased.

CDC’s recommendations to reduce your risk of exposure:

Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
Stay home when you are sick.
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

Should you see a doctor?

Ask yourself:

Have you traveled outside the U.S. in the last two weeks?
Have you been in close contact with someone testing positive for COVID-19?
Do you have a fever greater than 100 degrees?

A fever alone does not indicate that you need to be tested for COVID-19. But if you’ve traveled or come in contact with a COVID-19-positive person, you need to be tested. Call your medical provider first and get instructions on how to report for a test. Symptoms of Covid-19 may include fever, cough difficulty breathing and sore throat. Symptoms generally appear in two to 14 days after exposure. Health officials said most patents experience mild symptoms and can recover at home.
However some patients, particularly those with underlying medical conditions, may experience more severe respiratory illness.

PPE Pollution

Reports from around the world suggest COVID-19 pollution is becoming a global issue. In Hong Kong, for instance, surgical masks and gloves litter hiking trails and wash up on beaches. Clean-up crews on beaches in the United Kingdom have reported surges in discarded takeout containers and hand-sanitizer bottles.

During the pandemic, personal protective equipment (PPE) has driven increased plastic pollution. To fill the high PPE demand among the general public, health care workers, and service workers, single-use face mask production in China soared to 116 million per day in February 2021, about 12 times the usual quantity. The World Health Organization (WHO) has requested a 40% escalation of disposable PPE production. If the global population adheres to a standard of one disposable face mask per day after lockdowns end, the pandemic could result in a monthly global consumption and waste of 129 billion face masks and 65 billion gloves.

Face masks and gloves are polluting the oceans. Waterlogged masks, gloves, hand sanitizer bottles and other coronavirus waste are already being found on our seabeds and washed up on our beaches, joining the day-to-day detritus in our ocean ecosystems. French clean-up charity Opération Mer Propre is among those calling for action. “There are more masks than jellyfish,” Laurent Lombard from the organization said in one Facebook post. The quarantine economy has driven more people online, resulting in greater packaging waste from deliveries.

Plastic decomposes over hundreds of years. That means the same PPE that today is washing up in gardens, overflowing in landfills and sinking in the ocean could be a problem for our great-great-great-great-great-great-grandchildren. And their grandchildren as well.

A Very Dangerous Game

The world, especially countries like the United States, is playing a “very dangerous game” with the novel coronavirus, giving it more chances to mutate as the virus spreads, a World Health Organization (WHO) official said.

“We’re playing a very dangerous game with this virus right now,” Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHO’s technical lead for the coronavirus response, told CNN Senior Medical Correspondent Elizabeth Cohen. “What worries us is that the longer this spreads the more opportunities it has to change.”

She pointed out that some countries, such as Australia and New Zealand, have done a better job controlling the virus. “It’s completely up to us to be able to bring the virus under control,” she said. “The virus is controllable, including these variants.”

The B117 variant of the COVID-19 virus was first seen in the UK. Scientists in the U.K. estimate that the new variant is 40-70% more infectious based on analysis of affected populations in Britain. It has since been found in the United states. This variation of the virus has become more contagious. A new study ha found that 60% of cases are spread by people who show no symptoms. The new strain has been found so far in 8 states and 33 counties. Florida reported its first case Dec. 31 in a Martin County man in his 20s with no travel history. That means the virus had been spreading freely by community transmission. The CDC said it expects the variant is already spreading among communities in multiple states, according to a report from The Washington Post. Currently, there is no evidence that this variant causes more severe illness or increased risk of death. However with more people being infected the hospital systems could become overrun. In California EMTs are being told not to transport patients in the ambulance if they don’t think patients can survive.

Cremating COVID

In India protestors blocked the entrance to a crematorium fearing that the fumes might spread COVID-19. This notion is false. The intense heat of cremation would destroy any virus.

The World Health Organization (WHO) states that dead bodies are generally not infectious. Only the lungs of patients with pandemic influenza, if handled improperly during an autopsy, can be infectious. Otherwise, cadavers do not transmit disease.
Channel 7 News in Little Havana, Miami reported on thick clouds of black smoke billowing from a crematorium. Across the street the smoke drifted over outdoor diners. Though the smoke might not contain virus, it could contain harmful polyvinyl chloride, (PVC) plastics from body bags which can cause cancers. Bodies are being transported in thicker than normal body bags which might account for the black smoke. A crematory furnace has a second chamber which is supposed to super heat and burn off harmful emissions. For that reason most crematoriums don’t emit black clouds of thick smoke.
Surging Covid-19 cases leave cemeteries and funeral homes struggling to keep pace. Engineers in Bolivia have come up with a solution as pragmatic as it is macabre, a mobile crematorium. The 16 foot by 8 foot oven is small enough to fit on to a trailer, and is powered by locally produced liquefied petroleum gas, making it a cheap option for families who cannot afford a funeral service.

The Deadliest Place on Earth

Walt Disney World has plans to open July 11, 2020 followed by Hollywood Studios, Epcot and Animal Kingdom on July 15, 2020. The Orlando parks will have social distancing and wellness measures, including temperature screenings, wearings masks, keeping guests six feet apart while lining up for attractions and a guest reservation system to limit capacity.

Fireworks, parades, and character meet and greets have been suspended. Disney World also isn’t selling any new tickets for now, it will focus on guests who have existing tickets and reservations, like those who made bookings prior to the pandemic and had to postpone, as well as annual pass holders.

Disney’s Fort Wilderness Resort & Campground on June 22, 2020. Disney Springs shopping and dining area reopened May 20, 2020 with limited parking, fewer entrances, temperature screening before entry, masks required, physically distanced lines and barriers, reduced hours, no entertainment and more sanitation and disinfectants. Plenty of images circulated online however of guests not wearing their masks. One rumor circulated is that if you are holding a drink you don’t need to wear the mask. The bottom line is that enforcement seemed lax to non-existent. Americans in particular seem to resist the idea of protecting others by wearing a mask.

I spoke with one character actor who dreads the idea of getting back into a costume. Universal Studios opened the week of June 1, 2020. Many of the character meet and greets will still exist, but the characters will be kept in areas separate from the guests. Additionally, the characters will be wearing masks. This allows for picture-taking and conversation to continue, without any of the contact.

Universal Character actors will not share the same costumes throughout the day. Each costume must be laundered before someone else can wear them. Typically there will be more than one of each costume so multiple performers can be the same character on the same day.

It seems smart of Disney to wait and see if the way Universal is showcasing characters will result in a spike in Covid-19 cases among talent and or the guests. Though the Disney parks will have enhanced health and safety measures, guests are advised to follow all posted instructions while visiting. There is an inherent risk of exposure to Covid-19 in any public place where people are present. Covid-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. According to the CDC senior citizens and guests with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable. By visiting theme parks all visitors voluntarily assume all risks of exposure to Covid-19. I assume that character performers also sign away any liability for possibly being exposed to the virus when they get in to their costumes.

The World Health Organization (WHO) warned that the pandemic is worsening globally after new cases reached a record high on Sunday, June 7, 2020. Have a great vacation!

Pre-Pandemic: Pirate’s Dinner Theater

Pam’s parents were in Orlando with her niece and nephew. They wanted to see pirates so we headed to International Drive. Before being let in the theater, guest have to wait in a crowded waiting area. A fringe performer had injured himself at one of these shows since he does some of the more daring acrobatics. I can see how that might happen ad pirates swung down on to the stage for upper platforms. I couldn’t see the food that was served. The story line was built around the premise that a princess was kidnapped. It was definitely set up for the kids entertainment.

The World Health Organization announced the Covid-19 Pandemic on March 12, 2020. I was shocked that Pirates stayed open until March 20, 2020. This is definately not the place I would want to eat dinner during a pandemic.

The Pirates website says, “At Pirates Dinner Adventure we care deeply about the health and well-being of our team members and our guests. Like many of you we are closely monitoring the impact of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 and are committed to keeping you and our team safe.

Our shows have temporarily been suspended in Orlando, FL, in accordance with local official advisements.

Covid-19 Refunds

As a standard industry policy due to Covid-19; the reservations that booked a showtime while we are closed from March 20, 2020 – May 31, 2020 we’re offering two (2) options:

  1. Reschedule for a future date to be used within a year
  2. Issue a gift card at the same value of the original booking to be used for tickets at Teatro Martini or Pirates Dinner Adventure Orlando, FL, within a year.

Being that our sales policy is “all sales are final” and “no refunds” we wanted offer options during this difficult time. We have not addressed any reservations beyond May 31, 2020. Should we continue to stay closed we will update this page with the options we will offer.

Please continue to check back here for dinner show information and updates that may take place.”

Florida Restaurants Re-Open

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis had issued an order allowing restaurants to re-open in Florida. Phase one of the re-opening plan allows restaurants and retail stores to reopen Monday, May 4, 2020.

Restaurants will be able to use outdoor seating if they have a permit. Inside, they’ll be able
in the first phase of the state’s plan to use just 25% of their seating
capacity.  Violation of 25% capacity limits and
other restrictions remain a second-degree misdemeanor with a fine up to
$500. Regulated businesses may face enforcement action for violations
from their regulatory agency.

A statewide shelter-in-place order expires Thursday May 30, 2020, but DeSantis says
people should continue to practice social distancing and not socialize
in groups larger than 10. He’s also asked those who are medically
vulnerable and the elderly to remain at home as much as possible. Officials said the 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew in Orange County will remain
through next week and then county leaders will reassess.

Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings said, “We don’t want it to open too quickly without a plan in place.” “In order for people to have ample time to prepare to get their workers
back to work and get all the equipment they need, it takes some
planning,” He said.

AdventHealth’s Dr. Scott Brady brought a list of six guidelines he recommends for all businesses.

Those guidelines include:

  • Universal masking of all employees and guests
  • Continue keeping people six feet apart
  • Quickly sending symptomatic people for testing and treatment
  • Make sure employees practice aggressive hand hygiene
  • Sanitize work surfaces after contact with employees and guests
  • Temperature checks for all employees and guests

of the business owners within the task force expressed concerns with
requiring businesses to give temperature checks to all customers too. Chuck Whitall, President of
Unicorp National Development, a title which clearly makes him a self proclaimed medical expert, said, “I don’t think it’s
practical to do this to customers,” Brady stood by his recommendations with a stern warning for the group. “Just
breathing with a fever spreads this virus,” Brady said. “There is more a
chance that this virus spreads and we have to shut everything down,
there is more of a chance than less of a chance. I just want to caution
you to be very, very careful.” 

Demings was not ready to give an exact date for reopening in
Orange County yet but, he noted that any plan
would need to include a phased approach. He said having the economy back
in its pre-Covid-19 swing by May 11, 2020 was not “very realistic.” “Our work isn’t over and while these plans will provide a path to
gradually and safely restart our economy, they must not lure us into
thinking that we’re going to go back into business as normal because the
virus is still going to be here and life is not normal,” Orlando Mayor
Buddy Dyer said. “The hard truth is that we are building a new normal
and it will be a different way of life for everyone and a different way
of doing things to keep us all safe.”

A new study of a Covid-19 outbreak tied to a restaurant in China is re-igniting questions about how far the novel Covid-19 could spread in the air and how airflow through ventilators or air conditioners, and the air quality itself, could play a role. 
The World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention
have long maintained that the virus is spread primarily
through droplets in person-to-person contact and in some cases from
contaminated surfaces, and rarely travels more than
six feet in the air. However, the recent study, conducted by the Guangzhou Center for Disease
, suggests that the virus not only passes through
person-to-person spread at close range, but can travel farther with help
from air currents blowing from ventilation systems. The study concluded that crowded gatherings and “poor ventilation” with little
outside air brought into the room created an isolated loop, allowing
virus particles to be transferred from table to table.

A map of the restaurant showed how one infected individual infected 9 others. An air conditioner and exhaust fan were the sources of circulation in the room. The main point is that the virus can travel much further than 6 feet. The conclusions are worrisome and worthy of further investigation as
American restaurants and other buildings look to re-open their doors. The data suggests that it’s crowded, poorly ventilated places where there have been outbreaks. The Covid-19 is “not behaving like an airborne virus, but that
doesn’t rule out the possibility of airborne transmission in certain
circumstances,” Dr. Todd Ellerin, the director of infectious diseases at South Shore Health in Massachusetts said.

A small sandwich shop owner in Windermere said on Twitter,  “Not sure about you, but we are over this.” The owner said she will re-open on May 1, 2020 despite orders from the county and state. In a tik tok video the owner mocked the Covid-19 virus by feigning to cough outside the establishment. Seeing a restaurant owner mocking public health is NOT appetizing. There was a huge backlash of people complaining about her disregard for public safely and the offending posts by the restaurant owner were removed. The owner claimed her life had been threatened but she did not report the offenses to police. The place did not open on May 1, but will open on May 4 when the DeSantis First Phase kicks in. I don’t expect any honest attempts at maintaining public safety from this place. I will never dine there.