Cabaret in Sanford

Love or Something was a Cabaret about love… kind of at Theater West End 115 West 1st Street Sanford Florida.  The singers were Laurel Hatfield and Adair Watkins. The pianist was John Olearchick. The show explored a wide range of relationships through the heartwarming duets of Lippa, Jason Robert Brown, Rodgers & Hammerstein, and more.

The dive up to Sanford featured an epic rainfall. I arrived a bit early since I wanted give myself plenty of time driving through the downpour.

The lobby has quaint Victorian couches and ancient steamship trailers. As I sat down I could her the singers rehearsing in the next room.

I was assigned a seat in the back row next to a video camera. I blocked in the theater as the audience was ushered in.  The set was for Steel Magnolias which is now being performed in the theater. Since the singers would face each other as they sang, I was left to wonder if these songs held a special place in their hearts. An on going joke between sings was that they are married, … just not to each other.

One of my favorite songs, Suddenly Seymor, came late in the evening. I identify with the nerdy Seymour who can only find love through horrible and diabolical means. Though both singers are married, they recounted what it was like living through awkward dates and finally finding someone as nerdy as themselves. I am boxing up my studio and plan to possibly move on April 1. Looking around I realized I was the only masked person in the audience.