I slept with COVID

I slept with COVID-19. On the morning of January 25, 2023 I woke up and as I got dressed, I was surprised that Pam was sleeping in. She usually gets up before me. I got my day started by working on a painting. Later in the morning I got a call from Pam letting me know that she had tested positive for COVID-19. Before our call was over I already had my N-95 mask on. I don’t wear a mask to bed however, so I had to have been exposed.

My plan is to self isolate for 10 days. Unfortunately that means staying isolated from Pam as well. Since the bedroom was already exposed to the virus she would stay in that room. I would make each meal and leave hers in a bathroom where she would pick it up. She ordered some easy to make foods which I have been preparing for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The first evening after the positive test I had to decide where to sleep. There was a guest bedroom right across from where Pam was sleeping but I had read an article about a quarantine hotel where the person across the hall had managed to become exposed just from the opening and closing of doors as food was delivered. I decided instead to sleep on a couch which is down a long hallway.

Pam and I had just recently ordered N-95 masks and a HEPA air filter. I moved the HEPA filter to my studio while I painted and kept my N-95 on all day. The N-95 is amazingly breathable, I honestly often forget I have it on. When I went to bed I moved the HEPA filter next to the couch. The dogs curled up next to me.

The first night was horrible for Pam, she had a fever, body aches, soar throat, chills, hot sweats, fatigue, headache, congestion and a runny nose. She said it was the sickest she has ever been. I could hear her cough from down the hall. She has had every vaccine shot and the booster. Several times she considered the idea of having me bring her to the hospital but I only found this out later. At one point she sent me a zombie emoji.

She thinks she probably got infected at one of the Weddings or Bat Mitzvahs that she played hostess at. She was the only person among the several hundred at these events who was masked. She complained about her eye lids feeling like magma the first evening she had symptoms. This leads me to think she may have been infected through her eyes. Since the N–95 is just 95% effective, she may have also breathed in the virus at the event. We will never know for sure. Contact tracing is a thing of the past. Another of her co-workers was also infected.

After several days her symptoms trailed off. She made a rather quick recovery. All the while she kept working from home, doing spreadsheets, grants, and summer camp plans. Right now she is having a zoom meeting on the back porch. She probably got more work done while in isolation since there were no interruptions except for my occasional text to see if she was hungry or needed anything.

On the morning of January 30, 2023 I woke up with a horrible sour throat that made my ears ache. I hadn’t felt that painful of a soar throat since I had my tonsils out when I was 9 years old. Naturally my thought was that I had COVID. I had made one tactical mistake in trying to avoid the airborne virus. I couldn’t sleep with my N-95 mask on. I took it off an hoped the HEPA filter would be enough to remove any virus before I breathed it in. I kept the HEPA as close to my head as I could.

We have several COVID at home tests in the closet. Any time the government makes them available, I let Pam know, and she orders some. I took a test, and the ten minute wait was agonizing. I tested negative. Now I wonder if I pressed the swab up my nose far enough. I tickled my brain enough so that I had to sneeze repeatedly.

We are now on day 6 of our lockdown. Pam seems good as new and my soar throat only lasted the one morning. I have not developed any other symptoms. We have remained separated and communicate through a long thread of texts. We started watching movies by setting up a zoom meeting. I would sit in the living room and she would watch the TV from her bedroom on zoom. I had to put a dining room chair on the coffee table to raise the computer camera high enough for her to see the TV. The jury rigged system worked pretty good. We could talk to each other as the program played.

I will take another test at the end of the isolation period just to be sure, but the only symptom was a short lived soar throat. Amazingly I may have dodged the bullet again.

The Davos Effect

Each year in a World Economic Forum is held in Davos, Switzerland. Simply put, the world’s billionaires go to Davos to talk money. The 2022 Davos World Economic Forum was postponed due to the outbreak of the Omicron Variant.

On twitter, people started sharing photos from the Forum pointing out that the Billionaires are taking every precautions against COVID this year. Each room has one or several HEPA Air Filters to remove any virus from the air. Rooms also had  Far-UVC lighting, used to  kill pathogens in the air.

Every attendee at Davos was PCR tested before entering the forum. If someone tested positive then access to the forum was automatically, electronically, revoked. Drivers for the speakers were required to wear masks and many in the audience wore masks as well. If an attendee started to feel ill at Davos, they could go collect a free rapid test, or even call the dedicated COVID hotline.

Part of me wonders if the outrage expresses online is actually a brilliant ad campaign to convince people to be like the rich and buy their own HEPA filtration devices.

Many on Twitter were up in arms that the billionaires get such preferential treatment while children and workers are forced to go to poorly ventilated schools and workplaces. I fell a bit different, I am happy that at least one public gathering was willing to recognize that they have a responsibility to keep people who attend safe.

The problem is that the public narrative on COVID is that the pandemic is over. Joe Biden said as much to a reporter on National TV. The “New Normal” for everyday citizens seems to me mass infections that result in increasingly worst outcomes as people infect one another over and over. health problems due to repeated infections include, like cardiac damage, viral persistence, and immune system dysfunction. COVID literally shrinks the brain which might explain why some are so hell bent on denying COVID is much worst than a cold or flu.

France and Belgium have already introduced new air quality standards, and DIY projects to build Corsi-Rosenthal boxes for schools and healthcare settings have popped up around the country. Parliament in England and Congress in the United States have both quietly installed HEPA filtration to keep the politicians safe.

COVID kills the ignorant and the divisive, but the rich prosper and can afford clean fresh air.