Orlando Urban Sketchers: Baldwin Perk

Orlando Urban Sketchers held a morning sketch outing at Baldwin Perk Caffè, 4833 New Broad Street Baldwin Park Florida. I ordered a iced caramel latte and it was delicious. I was super pleased that Baldwin Perk Caffè has a state of the art HEPA air filter running. I sat next to the filter. I am always pleased find establishments that offer clean air for their patrons. I debated about removing my mask but it was just as easy to leave it on. Masking indoors is my new normal. I have had a cough for the past week and wanted to keep everyone else safe.

I am so pleased with how strong the Orlando Chapter or Urban Sketchers has grown. The coffee hose was full of sketchers. It was like a sketching flash mob.

Gay reminded me of the times I used to host drink and draw events. She was one of the few artists who showed up in the early days and she is still sketching, Well on this day she was on her laptop working remote, but she often sketches at these outings. Noga who did an amazing job of building the group has been able to hand over many of the responsibilities to a new generation of artists.

One of my former students was sketching. I glanced at her several times convinced I must have met her before, but I couldn’t put 2 an 2 together. I don’t math in the morning, especially without caffeine.  Anyway she was one of my former Crealdè School of Art students. She showed me her sketchbook, full of my thumbnail notes. I had done a sketch of her in class, when we were going over sketching people on location. Meeting he absolutely made me glow. I have always said that if I can convince one student that sketching on location is an inspiring way to live life, then I would have done my job as an instructor. She convinced me I had done my job right for once.

I would gladly return to Baldwin Perk. I might stop in when I am teaching a class at Crealde again on Sundays. Urban sketching is my religion.