Delta Infects Faster then Smallpox

An internal CDC Powerpoint presentation was leaked that claimed that the Delta variant of COVID -19 is more transmissible than smallpox. From 1958 to 1977, the World Health Organization conducted a global vaccination campaign that eradicated Smallpox, making it the only human disease to be eradicated. You have to winder if Smallpox would still be with us if today’s polarized political situation existed back when that vaccine roll out happened.

The war against COVID-19 has changed. Delta is highly contagious. Whereas the original strain of COVID-19 might result in a person spreading the infection to about two other people, the Delta variant can spread to 8 or 9 other people. It likely results in more hospitalizations.

The bombshell in the report is that breakthrough cases can be as transmissible as in unvaccinated cases. Vaccinated individuals are much less likely to be infected. Vaccinated individuals might not even know they are infected so they can circulate in public and spread the virus without knowing. Vaccines prevent about 90% of severe infections but they are less effective against protecting against breakthrough infections.

The CDC therefor reversed its position on masks insisting the vaccinated and unvaccinated people must wear masks indoors. The ancestral strains of covid-19 spread about as fast as the common cold. It is believed that the COVID Delta variant spreads faster that the Spanish Flu and Smallpox. The variant might also be slightly more deadly that the original stains of COVID-19.

The unvaccinated in America are driving the recent surge in COVID cases. Floriduh reported over 21,000 cases in one day (July 30, 2021) which is the highest case count since the pandemic began. In the same breath, the Governor Ron DeathSantis signed an order making it illegal for schools to require students to wear masks. The state reported 409 deaths this week, bringing the total to more than 39,000. Go get the vaccine. It works. If you  have kids heading too school this fall, insist that they wear masks or keep them home. Don’t listen to DeathSantis who continues to treat masks as a political football rather than a temporary health measure.

Mask Inside

The CDC has done an about face and recommends that everyone, both unvaccinated and vaccinated should mask up when inside if you live in areas with “substantial or high transmission” of COVID-19. They are recommending this because of  new data on the highly contagious Delta variant.

Florida is now the epicenter of the pandemic in America, so the entire state is high risk. They also said that masks should be required of everyone inside K-12 schools.

The primary reason for this about face is that less than half of the country is vaccinated and many of those people are refusing to get the jab. Another finding is that vaccinated people are becoming infected although their cases are mild, resembling a common cold. However infected vaccinated individuals can carry as high a viral load as an unvaccinated individual and therefor they can spread the virus to others.

Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings declared a State of Local Emergency for Orange County. He recommends that people should mask up inside. All Orange County employees will have to be vaccinated by August 31, 2021. Orange County broke the record for the all time high of new cases 1,371 on July 27, 2021. The mayor asked that all businesses mandate vaccinations. To date there have been 1,390 deaths in Orange County. Certain health care providers in Orange County have reported that up to 30% of their positive COVID-19 test results have come from vaccinated people. Approximately 95% of patients in the intensive care units of certain health care providers in Orange County are unvaccinated people. CDC has determined that levels of community transmission in Orange County, Florida are “high” which is the highest classification.

Teaching in a Pandemic

This summer I am teaching art seven days a week. Most of those classes are virtual. Summer courses have begun at Crealde School of Art. I have seven students but only five have shown up the past several weeks.

The first class, last week I held outside in an event tent that had been set up behind the campus. The morning started great but the heat was picking up by lunch time. One student found herself sitting in the direct sunlight when the clouds parted. She was a trooper and stuck it out to finish her sketch.

For week two I decided to hold a class inside at Crealde for the first time. I left the door open to allow some outdoor air to blow in but we got to experience air conditioning as we worked. One student kept her mask on the entire time which I deeply respect. I wore my mask around my neck as I gave the lesson plans since I have been fully vaccinated.

I recognize that being fully vaccinated does not make me impervious to COVID-19. There are breakthrough cases particularly with the Delta Variant igniting around the world.  The percentages presented a month ago were that fully vaccinated individuals are 95% safe from infection. However a study conducted in Israel found that half the people becoming infected were fully vaccinated. That means that the chances of becoming infected despite the vaccine went up to about 75%. So I’ve decided students should remain six feet apart when possible. I also kept myself well separated.

Each table is six feet long. I folded up any extra chairs and stacked them against the walls to reduce the chances that students would sit close together. Each student had their own table. In my sketch I put two students sitting at the same table but that is an artistic fabrication. I just wanted to squeeze one more student into the sketch for the sake of the demo. I did walk around and offer one on one advice to students, but for that, I flipped my mask up over my mouth and nose. I use sketches to do most of the talking, but the sketches stay in my own sketchbook. It was rewarding to see the students start to apply the ideas I offered.

Florida averages over 1600 new cases a day. The Delta variant has been confirmed to be in Central Florida as well. I paid attention to the air vents as I included them in my sketch. The air would circulate over students and then down the wall behind me. We are living in a grey transitional time. The Delta variant which doubles every to weeks will be the predominant strain of COVID-19 in the United States by August 2021 and another surge in cases is likely. Every day is a new risk assessment. Florida managed to have the highest case rates of any state yesterday, so there must be quite a bit of vaccine hesitancy in the Sunshine State. I went mask free for much of this class but my comfort level could change week to week as the pandemic continues to play out.