Memorial Day

On Memorial Day a friend and I got away to the beach. I kind of miss beach days. Granted I spend most of the time under an umbrella with my legs covered with a towel. I am like a vampire, if the sun hit my skin it instantly burns. My friend can lay in the sun all day and not be effected in the least.

The couple to the left clearly did not wear sun screen. After several hours the guy was as red as a lobster. He was clearly a tourist and had no idea how strong the Florida sun is.

Being in the middle of the state of Florida, a drive to the beach is an hour in either direction. That drive is often enough of a hindrance to keep me from taking the trip.

The sound of the waves breaking on the shore is relaxing, but I never manage to relax. I always feel the need to sketch.

I am just noticing now that the book in this sketch looks like it is floating. I should have found a way to sketch in the far hand holding the book.

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