Taco Cheena

I was near Taco Cheena on Mills Avenue in Orlando one morning to meet a student. As I waited, I sat down and finished off a sketch to pass the time. The student never showed up. When you are an urban sketcher such moments are never wasted.

Someone was waiting for a bus across the street in front of the Forest Gump mural. He was picked up long before I finished the sketch.

Taco Cheena wasn’t open yet but I saw someone moving trash out. It looks like they have a food truck as well. They open at noon. I have never eaten there but I will have to order food from there someday. I don’t eat in restaurants anymore since I know too much about the COVID virus which is still circulating but unreported. There is outdoor seating which I appreciate.

Maybe someday all restaurants will have strong HEPA air filtration systems so that patrons can breath clean air indoors while they eat. I am not holding my breath however.

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