COVID Dystopia: Vote

This scene from COVID Dystopia was created the week before the former president lost the presidential election. Ignorance in the face of a deadly pandemic was my only issue I considered in that election. Joe Biden promised change but one happened after he was elected. Now in the upcoming election I face a choice between the same tow numskulls, namely Dumb and Dumber. It is a hard choice.

At the time Omicron was ripping through society and it was the worst spike of deaths since the start of the pandemic. Everyone compares the COVID Death toll today to that huge spike during the election. Today there are about 600 reported deaths a week due to COVID. That is about the same weekly death toll as people who die in automobile accidents. So, granted I have to drive my car to get supplies and survive, but I wear a seat belt which increases my chance of surviving if I am side swiped by a lunatic. That is that same reason I wear a mask indoors and in crowds outdoors. If there is one thing the pandemic taught me is that everyone is a lunatic.

Lunatics prefer to blame lock downs and vaccines for their constant illnesses from  some “Mystery” virus. They come back from cruises sick and then go to crowded graduations to spread the virus to others. Hospitals have dropped making requirements for doctors to they are now cesspools of infection. Masking in N-95s to protect others is a step too far. I visited a new doctor a week ago and she was mask less. At least one of her receptionists wore a baggy blue. People are desperate to conform to the social norm and since most people do not mask the only way to fit in is to be constantly sick with a virus that destroys the immune system and causes vascular and brain damage. The numbers of young people dying from heart problems is staggering but COVID is never mentioned on the death certificates.