COVID Dystopia: The Rally

In this shot from COVID Dystopia, the former president tosses a skull out to the crowd at a rally. He was hosting packed rallies at the height of the pandemic. Each rally was its own unique superspreader event.

People still love the guy even after he was impeached twice and now is convicted on 34 counts in a New York court.

It is impossible to separate politics and the ongoing pandemic. Joe Biden won the election in part because he promised to follow the science in handling COVID. One in office however he proclaimed freedom from the virus on July 4th and accomplished what the former president wanted to do which was make the virus seem to disappear by dismantling all testing. More Americans have died under Biden’s presidency from COVID that during the former presidents reign.

Inn this shot people will know to look at the skull since it is the fastest thing moving. Also the previous shot of Sturgis had a bike rider with a skull and that skull is in the same location on the screen as this skull. Which keeps the audience from having to look around to find the action.