COVID Dystopia: Insignificant protest.

I am waiting to two audio adjustments from COVID Dystopia before I submit a fender of my film for the online version of the next film festival I was accepted to.On problem is that Mike Pence is clapping far too loud in one scene whee he is watching a choral superspreader event.

The other problem was an explosion that was mistimed. A Japanese Zero is dropping a COVID shaped bomb and I had the audio with a whistling sound as the bomb dropped. The sound technician held off on using the sound until the next shot. I felt uncomfortable each time the explosion happened and I finally played it in slow motion to figure out what was wrong. When Andy Matchett heard the explosion sound in surround sound, he said “that’s interesting” or something along those lines. He must have also suspected that something was off.

Those two refinements are coming in next week and then I will send the film off to the festival. Unfortunately the two problems remain in the surround sound mix, since there was no time to check things and make changes. The next Digital Cinema Package will be better. I suspect between now and then I will be adding more animation as well.

Today I will be scrolling through each sound effect to make sure nothing else is off.