COVID: Supermarket Monkeys

Yesterday, after compositing the Minotaur scene in After Effects and Premiere Pro, I completed five more shots. I decided this shot needed a more fluid wagging tail of the small monkey. I animated that one element in Callipeg and composited it into the shot. In After Effects I added some motion to all the other monkey tails using pins and animating them. That animation isn’t as fluid but I want people looking up at the small monkey so I made the other animation very subtle.

I completed two of the face mask panning scenes at the end of the film by tilting head back and opening jaws. The third pan is a challenge. My thought is to move the masked couple closer together and not pan but then there is not motion to the scene at all. I might change what I have and have a masked couple hugging. That could add some action and interaction. I will try both scenarios and see what works. Adding a hug will certainly make the shot a whole lot more challenging.