COVID: Shot 7

In the first weeks of the pandemic people rushed to the store to hoard toilet paper and fist fights broke out in the aisles. Videos of fights broke out all over social media. Of all the survival needs this seems to be the most mundane.

This was the first shot in the film that used a fast paced zoom transition that I used for the remainder of the film. This effect at first was done by zooming in 75% each time. The timing of that zoom was consistent over time but very quick. After the whole film was edited together I abandoned that technique and instead used adjustment layers to create a transition that ramped up to happen super quick.

Most of the shots would involve a quick zoom in a settle and then zoom in again. This gave each shot the impression that they were part of a much bigger scene. I listened to the whole soundtrack and put down beats on the timeline by pressing the M key on the keyboard. Each shot would last for one or two beats at most.

The pandemic rushed towards us at an insane pace with some crazy story popping up each day. The pandemic continues with a person dying from COVID every 3 minutes but the media has become complicitly silent. The only way Joe Biden can get re-elected is if the country believes the war against COVID is over. Over 700,000 Americans have died since Biden became president but that is never discussed.

I have come to realize that what I have created is a film that no one wants to see. In the rush to return to normal, the nation has suffered a complete amnesia of what has happened and is still happening today.I offer harsh realities but people prefer false hope and denial.