COVID is airborne and can travel much further than 6 feet. At the start of the pandemic people were wiping down their groceries and washing hands incessantly. Washing your hands is important, but it is useless if you go out in public without a mask. Breathing COVID is what makes you sick. A face mask is also a good way to keep you from touching your face. People touch their face over 2ooo times a day. Touching surfaces is less likely to get you infected. Despite this I still carry a small vile of sanitizer in my pocket and use it on occasion when in public.
COVID is airborne. The virus has been allowed to spread unchecked around the world. It is here to stay. The best way to stay healthy is to avoid breathing the air that others have exhaled. Airborne transmission is elusive since you can not see yourself become infected. You don’t need to be in the same room as a sick person to contract an airborne disease.
For much of the pandemic the CDC was promoting the idea that 6 feet of distance would protect you from being infected. The virus can remain airborne for much further than 6 feet. Since I have started going out in public I work with the idea of maintaining 22 feet of distance from others when possible. If closer than 22 feet I will be masked indoors or out. This has worked so far.
If someone coughs in a bathroom and then you enter, you could be infected. This makes it possible for airborne diseases to infect larger numbers of people and more difficult to determine the causes due to a lack of person-to-person contact. The virus can remain airborne from minutes to hours.