Wacky Wavy New Year

Back when I lived in New York City, I remember seeing a show with a friend which let out just moments before midnight on New Year’s Eve. We walked out on the immense crowd in Times Square. There is an energy to being in such a crowd that is hard to define. It must be experienced in person. At the stoke of midnight the ball dropped and the song, New York New York began to play. We ripped up out programs to add to the confetti of the evening.

Last night Pam and I rang in the New Year while doing family history research on the couch. I knew the ball drop would be virtual so we turned on the TV ten minutes before midnight. fireworks were gong off all night in our neighborhood and the dogs sought comfort by curling up on the couch beside us.

The images of a largely deserted Times Square were surreal. Even more surreal was the choice event sponsors made to populate the once crowded event with Wachy Wavy Inflatable Tube Men. The tube men bore advertising as did every screen in Times Square. As the clock counted down in the final moments a truck ad played below the countdown clock. It was a strange way to visually ring in the new year but we made it better with a very real cup of prosecco champagne and a kiss.