I sketched all day in the Orlando Rep at the video shoot for Britt Daley’s One and Only. In this scene Britt is on stage performing her audition. You can just see her leg and the loose shirt slipping down her shoulder. I was fascinated by the dolly and boom which allowed the camera to be moved smoothly all around. Britt and Andy Matchett, who was also auditioning, enter a dream sequence together. They dance together to Britt’s song. They spun around, their outstretched arms extended. Extra fluorescent tubes and fill lights were set up to illuminate the couple. Britt told me the camera man was whispering to himself enthusiastically during this shot. “Yes, that’s it, good.” Luckily the audio is being replaced in the final video edit. Everyone enthusiastically volunteered their talent and time to bring this gorilla style video shoot to life. The One and Only music video will premiere on October second. I’ll keep you posted.