50 Oldest Church of NYC: John Street United Methodist Church

The John Street United Methodist Church, also known as Old John Street Methodist Episcopal Church, is located at 44 John Street between Nassau and William Streets in the Financial District of Manhattan, New York City. It was built in 1841 in the Georgian style, with the design attributed to William Hurry and or Philip Embury.

The story of the John Street Church actually begins in Ireland, where Philip Embury, his wife, Barbara Ruckle Heck (Embury’s cousin), and her husband were converted to Methodism. Philip Embury became one of Wesley’s local preachers. In 1760, a number of Irish Methodists, including the Emburys and the Hecks, immigrated to New York City.

The congregation is the oldest Methodist congregation in North America, founded on October 12, 1766 as the Wesleyan Society in America. The Society built its first church, a blue stucco barn called the Wesley Chapel, on this site in 1768; its design was attributed to Barbara Heck.

The second church on this site was built in 1817-18, and the extravagance of the building provoked a secession from the congregation by Rev. William Stillwell. The third church, the current one, was necessitated by the widening of John Street.

The church was designated a New York City Landmark in 1965 and added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1973.