Fringe: Whore’s Eye View

Whore’s Eye View presented by Old Pros from New York City is an eye opening show about the 10,000 years of history of the oldest profession as told by Kaytlin Bailey who was herself a sex worker. In the stool beside her was a burbon which she sipped whenever the audience clapped.

The history itself was astounding with men throughout history finding ways to demonized women to the point where it is unsafe for a woman to walk a street alone even today. From Hammurabi to Trump history just keeps repeating itself. In June of 2022 the supreme court overturned Roe V. Wade effectively removing a woman’s right to an abortion. In the past, strong willed woman were burnt at the stake. Taking away a woman’s right to choose is much the same practice.

I was amazed to find out that the first woman to run for President in the United States was a sex worker. No it was not Hillary Clinton. Her name was Victoria Clafin Woodhall and she ran for president back in 1872. She was an activist for women’s rights and labor reforms. Woodhull was also an advocate of “free love”, by which she meant the freedom to marry, divorce and bear children without social restriction or government interference.

The show is part comedy and a large part lecture, but that might just be because I had so much to learn. For instance I learned that a woman’s clitoris is not just the little nubbin men have been told to tickle, but rather it is the size of a hand. Whoah!

When Katlin got married she couldn’t help but think that her husband was getting a really good deal.

The show was such a whirlwind of information and it left me wanting to learn more. It is backed by Amnesty International, The World Health Organization, Human Rights Watch and UNAids. They all agree that decriminalizing sex work is the only policy that reduces violence.

I highly advise you see this show. You will leave the theater wanting to make a difference.

Remaining show times…

  • Thursday May 23, 8:00pm
  • Saturday May 25, 7:30pm
  • Sunday May 26, 3:00