Christine’s White Elephant Party.

On Christmas Day Christine and her family host a White Elephant Party for Christmas orphans.I’m a bit of an orphan this year since I’m separated and not even sure where I will be living in 2017. Christine hosts a potluck dinner with more food than you can imagine and crystal clear Greek 99 proof drinks that will make your toes curl.

Everyone brings a funny or practical white elephant gift and then people picked their gift when a number is pulled from a hat. There is an advantage to having your number pulled later in the proceedings. When you open your gift in front of everyone, you have a choice. You can keep your gift, or exchange your gift with some on who has a be the gift than yours.

I was called up rather late in the process, and picked a large flat package. I ripped the paper, ribbons and bow off. It turned out to be one of those tacky paintings with celebrities sitting around a table playing poker. The only way it could have been worse is if it had been dogs playing poker. I figured I was stuck with it. However, a young college aged boy must have figured it would look good in his man cave dorm room and he stole it from me. I don’t even remember what I got in exchange. with all the downsizing I have been doing moving place to place lately, I doubt I still have it.

This party is a great way to catch up with old friends an make new ones. The large Greek family makes us all feel at home.

There’s a White Elephant in the room.

Believe it or not, this is a sketch from December of 2014. I’m going through all the sketchbooks and finding sketches that I didn’t post yet. Terry and I went to the home of Wendy Wallenburg‘s friend Christine Billis right before Christmas. Everyone was encouraged to bring a rather quirky present for a White Elephant gift exchange. Of course there was plenty of food and drink before everyone settled in the living room for the exchange.

With a White Elephant gift exchange, you can pick a wrapped present, or you can steal a present that had already been opened. When it was my turn to pick, Terry encouraged me to steal the bottles of booze that had been someone Else’s pick. We hid the booze under a chair but soon enough it was swiped back. Every item that Terry got seemed to be swiped away, because she had to keep going up to take another turn.

Towards the end of the party, I was introduced to a young teen who loves to draw. I told her all about my new teaching gig at Elite Animation Academy. Hopefully I helped inspire her to pursue her dream. That’s what I love about my new job, I get to teach kids who are young enough to have never said to themselves “I can’t” or “I don’t know how.” Kids create with wild abandon.