Pre-Pandemic: Best of Orlando

Each year the Orlando Weekly hosts the Best of Orlando Party at The Beecham (46 N Orange Ave, Orlando, Florida 32801). I sketched as they put the lettering up on the movie marquee sign out front.

This is definitely the most crowded club scene I tend too sketch each year. There was no Best of Orlando party in 2020 due to the pandemic. People did vote however and the Weekly put out a Best of Orlando Issue for when life returns to normal.

The best visual artists in 2020 were:

1st: Synthestruct synthestruct.comThe website featured interactive light displays.

2nd: Crystal Dombrosky Featuring mermaids and water.

3rd: Eric Pabon Featuring Comic and sequential art, graphic design and branding and caricature.
Far more important, the Best Burlesque troupe was 1st: Corsets & Cuties, a Burlesque Cabaret They continue to perform with safety precautions in place, but I am holding off sketching them on location until this pandemic peters out.