Halloween Mask

COVID is airborne and you can be much further than 6 feet from an infected person to get infected yourself. Despite this, children are sent to poorly ventilated schools to spread the virus and bring it home to parents and grand parents. The idea that children can not be infected was a lie perpetuated to keep the economy rolling. If children are not in school, parents can not be as active in the workplace. Kids get sick, Kids spread the virus.  Kids have lasting side effects.

Halloween lines up with the rise of a tripledemic of Flu, COVID and RSV. Pediatric wards are filling up. Nearly half of a Virginia High school is out due to a “Mystery” flu like illness. Now these germ factories and their unvaccinated parents will be walking door to door to spread disease.  These new variants are spreading at outdoor events like Octoberfest.

Kids will wear costumes as they go door to door, but how many will have qua#analogartistdigitalworld #covid_19 #illustrator #illustrativejournalist #sketch_daily #sketchbook #illustration #art #orlando #florida #centralflorida #floridaart #forsale #StayHome #StopTheSpread #SaveLiveslity KN-95 masks? How many parents will wear masks?  Halloween is the second most expensive holiday in America after Christmas, and the cost of candy has risen by 30% this year, so everyone wants the resulting sales and profits. Profit over public health is the American way.

While the risk of transmission during trick-or-treating is greatly diminished because it is an outdoor activity, it is still possible to get sick if you are not careful. Here are some ways you could contract COVID-19 while trick-or-treating:

  • Not wearing a mask.
  • Traveling with a large group of trick-or-treaters who are not vaccinated.
  • Going indoors to receive candy.
  • Accepting candy from an individual who is contagious.
  • Reaching into a community candy dish to collect your candy.
  • Eating candy without washing your hands or using hand sanitizer.
  • Rubbing your eyes while trick-or-treating.
  • Touching your mouth or nose before washing your hands.
  • Attending an indoor Halloween event.

Covid Macht Frei

In Germany the number of ICU patients in the hospitals was just 200 two weeks ago, that has surged to over 1600 patients as of October 13, 2022. On October 10, 2022 a clinic in Munich, Germany had to deal with a sudden wave of COVID patients. Thirty to 50 percent of the hospital staff were out sick. The clinic work counsel reported that they could not guarantee optimal care of their patients. This clinic is in the same city that just finished hosting Octoberfest celebrations after a two year hiatus.

An estimated 5.7 million people attended Octoberfest in Germany. Nothing has been learned from past super spreader events. The virus thrived in such a setting where thousands gather together and drink beer while taking no respiratory safety measure such as social distancing, and masking. This is the perfect storm. Germany’s health minister, Karl Lauterbach said, that the festival likely had an impact on the rise in COVID cases. Cases are rising all across Europe.

Besides the festival itself, changing behavior in general are likely leading to the rise in cases. German politicians of all parties have published pictures of themselves without a mask at the festival. According to the new Infection Protection Act, even minor requirements, such as access restrictions, mandatory hygiene and mask mandates, are no longer permitted. People are over COVID and they want to get drunk to forget about the 151,000 Germans who have died from COVID so far. Over six million Jews were murdered in the holocaust, so several hundred thousand dead do to COVID is a drop in the bucket.

In Germany about 80 people lose their lives to COVID-19 every day in Germany and a new wave is gathering speed, at the same time the German federal and state governments are dismantling the last remaining measures and promoting a “live with the virus” strategy. In cities around the country that host Octoberfest celebrations similar rises in cases are happening. In Rosenheim, Germany for example, the seven-day infection rate rose there to over 1,000 infections per 100,000 inhabitants approximately one-and-a-half weeks after the start of the Oktoberfest.

Right now over 85% of hospital beds are occupied in Germany. On October 14, 2022 Germany record 114, 198 new cases. With at home testing and under reporting that is just the tip of the iceberg. Germany’s doctors association, Marburger Bund, urges states with surging COVID rates to reintroduce mask mandates in public indoor settings and transport. Germany’s Health Minister also called for the re-introduction of mask mandates, citing the “Shar increase” in COVID cases. As with most “suggestions” and “urgings”, both will go ignored. PROST!