Anne Frankenstein strikes the Orlando Fringe like lightening.

Anne Frankenstein written by Michael Knight and directed by Adam McCabe melds the worlds of horror and 70’s grind house films. In the opening scene Dr. Sylva Steffel, (Meghan Mitchell) harnessed the power of a lightning storm to re-animate the dead body of Anne Frankenstein (Lauren Culiver). The theater lights flickered and sparked as the body twitched and then slowly sat upright. Anne was killed by Nazis in a concentration camp but she and her sister were put on ice. Anne was re-assembled using some of her sister’s body parts.

Anne was brought back to life to be a super human Nazi killing machine much like the vengeful female protagonist in “Kill Bill.” The “Igor” in this tale (Rob Mobley) explains to Anne how he helped re-build her. He shows Anne her printed diaries and she is shocked to find out millions of people have read her words. She vows to kill every living Neo-Nazi.

Heinrich Von Arschloch  (Michael Mikanite Knight) is the leader intent on finishing Hitler’s work. He incites his thugs by telling them simplistic lies about how Jews are running America. At the heart of this insane lie is Einstein Bagels. Heinrich’s daughter Pamela (Danielle Miller) is as evil if not more evil than her father. Her weapon of choice is a cinder block at the end of a bat that creates a hammer that even Thor might envy.

Anne quickly kills the Neo-Nazi thugs that are torturing an Einstein Bagels costumer.  To get to Heinrich Von Arschloch however she has to battle the imposing Pamela. The play moves at s thrilling pace. The single set piece rotates between the Neo-Nazi den and the Doctor’s laboratory for quick efficient scene changes. The tech rehearsal I sat in had many stops and starts to adjust lighting cues and sound effects. I do suspect that Anne Frankenstein will  have long lines of ticket holders waiting to see the carnage. Believe the buzz. It’s Alive!

Sunday, 5/17- 10:00pm
Saturday, 5/23- 10:00pm
Sunday, 5/24- 6:00pm

The Orange Venue (Margeson Theater)
Orlando Shakespeare Theater
812 E Rollins St,
Orlando, FL 32803

TICKETS are $10 w/ Orlando Fringe Button
($2 off with legal proof of Jewish heritage!)