COVID Dystopia: Back to Normal

I like the animation for this Maya sacrifice scene.I did a very fast hand swipe down into the chest cavity with a big smear frame for one of the hands. Once a hand rests on the victim it became a held cell. Even the animation of the blood drops came off pretty effortlessly. The skull mask was added to the animated scene. The original illustration did not have the mask.

There is depth added to the scene but it is hardly noticeable since only the temple in the background is affected. Head tilts on supporting characters finish off the animation.

Yesterday I reworked two of the early scenes in the film, adding a blink to the fortune teller scene and a blink to the guy turning his head n the rhino scene. The rhino scene is a bit low res, but I don’t think it is worth it to totally rework everything. I added a sharpen effect to the head turn animation and hope that improved the look a a bit.

Today I plan to animate some sea foam coming off the bow of a life boat. I also plan to animate the oars as well. As it is now it is very clear it is a held cell being moved. The extra animation should help bring the scene to life. I am also considering adding snap zoom effects back as a transition between each stanza of the lyrics. In the timeline seen above each stanza has a different color. I am not sure if I am committed to this idea but I want to play wit it as a possibility.

By the end of this week I want to consider the film complete. Most festivals refuse to show the film because they have embraced the idea that their festival has moved beyond the pandemic. No one wants to look back and certainly no one wants to be told the pandemic is ongoing. The film now has just a 16% acceptance rate. That seems insanely low to me, but perhaps that is normal. Who knows.