Orlando Science Center: Ocean 2

I was asked to do a second original sketch of the Life Exhibit install at the Orlando Science Center I returned to the Ocean. Part of me hoped that all the fish would be in their new home by now, but I had no such luck. The lone hammerhead shark was still circling the tank alone.

The first time I sketched the lights were off in the exhibit space. so I got a much darker sketch. This time sunlight was streaming into the room through the floor to ceiling glass panels behind me.

It is fun so see how similar and yet how different the two sketches are. The compositions are similar but I made so many new choices given a second chance to sketch the subject. I like aspects of each.

I honestly didn’t see another soul as I completed this sketch. I usually hope to catch a spectator and include them in the sketch but I had no such luck on this day. I am sure this will be a spectacular sight once all the fish are swimming about. As isolated as the scene is, I still remained masked. I never know if a venue is using a HEPA air filtration system or if their air is just recirculated. The mask is my new normal, but I am more likely to venture to venues that advertise clean air practices. If you know of Orlando venues that promote clean air, please let me know.