T-O-T-A-L-L-Y a one woman show Directed by Paula Killen and performed by Kimleigh Smith packed an inspirational one two punch. The show begins with Kimleigh reliving her young days as an energetic and virginal college cheerleader.He valley girl interactions with her girlfriends is high energy and reminiscent of the cheerleader skits on Saturday Night Live. The tenor of the high energy humerus piece changes as she relived an evening where she decides to go out with one of the football players. What was remembered as a pleasant evening is suddenly recounted at a horrible gang rape party. She looses touch with feelings in the lower half of her body and eventually has to to to a therapist. She points out that if you analyze and break apart the word it is “The Rapist”.

Slowly she regains control of her life and her sexuality. As she recounts how she started finding a Lover on Craig’s List she had the audience laughing out loud the whole time. This show is life affirming demonstrating how to take control of your life no matter what hardships or obstacles need to be overcome. She exercised and lost weight then dressed in a sultry bathrobe. Her spirit takes flight like a super hero when she discovered and rejoiced in her inner strength. The bathrobe acted like a hero’s cape. By the end of the performance I was left wanting to cheer myself. I showed Kimliegh Smith the sketch I did of her after the show and asked her to sign it for me. She was just as enthusiastic and inspiring off stage as on. She wrote on my sketch, “Be the Superman you are!”

Friday May 28, 11:45PM

Sunday May 30, 11:00PM