Nude Nite – Fuschia Foxxx

Kelly Stevens the founder and mastermind of Nude Nite asked me to stop in to the event to do some sketches each night. If you missed Nude Nite which ran from February 11-13th you missed an amazing experience. I would suggest you look up the event coming up in Tampa on March 4-6th. You really shouldn’t miss it. When I arrived at the warehouse I walked in a side door and was stopped by a bouncer, I guess I had walked in the exit. Getting my hand stamped and getting checked off the list took a few minutes. The open warehouse space where the event was staged was packed. Art was to be found in every nook and cranny of the place. I wandered in a daze wondering what I should sketch first. There were live nude picture installations with nude models voguing behind gilded frames. In one corner, artists were sketching a nude model. Wandering the floor were many dancers moving provocatively and stealthily. Suddenly loud music blared from a corner stage with red and blue curtains and a gilded offset fame defining the stage.
Fuschia Foxxx a burlesque performer from Seattle took to the stage. Fuschia moved like a sensuous belly dancer. A large red skull with glowing rind stones covered her crotch. When she raised her arms, six other arms followed making her look like an Indian Goddess. Slowly and with some flair, the elements of her costume fell away and the crowd cheered as the music grew louder.
After her act was over, I started splashing color on the sketch as fast as I could so I could move on and explore some more.
As I wandered the room people I had never met before started introducing themselves to me. Getting to meet so many new people was fun and unexpected. It made me want to return again. I had come this first night after FRESH had completed its night of performances. That meant I really only had time for this one sketch and I was desperately wanting to sketch some more.