Flat Earth Mentality

Flat Earthers, Anti-Makers, and Anti Vaxers have been around for centuries.

In past pandemics, as today, strong anti-science movements hindered public health and the waning of disease.

The New York Times pointed out that, as soon as Edward Jenner introduced the first smallpox vaccine in 1798, posters appeared in England showing humans who had been vaccinated “sprouting horns and hooves,” Dr. Snowden said.

“In 19th-century Britain, the largest single movement was the anti-vaccine movement,” he added. And with vaccine resisters holding out, diseases that should have been tamed persisted.

Today the science deniers have the platform of social media to spread misinformation far and wide. We are now experiencing a social media fueled pandemic.

In July 2021 Joe Biden declared that July 4th would be a celebration of freedom from the virus. However that weekend resulted in a cluster of breakthrough cases among fully vaccinated individuals who had let their guard down. This had been happening for the past 20 months or so. There is a huge spike in cases followed by a decline in cases. As the numbers decline everyone thinks the pandemic is over and they stop wearing masks and social distancing. Holidays hit and people gather despite any warnings and then there is once again another steep incline in cases.

October 2021  has resulted in a series of amazing scientific developments that could help curb the pandemic. Vaccines are being approved for children and a new anti viral pill may reduce hospitalizations for the vaccinated. The problem of course is that the unvaccinated will refuse any science that may save their life. They would rather sail their schooner off the edge of their flat earth in the name of their politics. Death is preferable to reason and has been through out human history.