
Dr. Fauci said, that with 90 million Americans still not vaccinated, and even the vaccinated passing the virus to others, an alarming fact has arisen: You could unwittingly pass the COVID Delta variant on to an unvaccinated kid. Because more and more of them are getting sick.

The fact is however that many Americans could not give a damn about anyone but themselves. The days of personal sacrifice for the greater good of the country are long gone. All that remains seems to be a bullying mob mentality. Alexander the Great said, “Upon the conduct of each depends the fate of all.”

The nightmare of the former presidents mishandling of the pandemic did not end when he was voted out of office. Others hoping to fill his shoes follow his lead by listening to rumors instead of science based fact. America has developed a Neo Fascist Death Cult. Governors in Texas and Florida are literally blocking basic safety measures. Their anti mask mandate stances sicken school children in the name of parental freedom. People are willingly choosing to die and then begging for the vaccine when it is too late. Vaccines are free and readily available to all who want them.

The threat of home grown domestic terrorism continues to grow. The failure of the January 6 insurrection and the realization that the former president will not be reinstated as president is causing confusion and anger among the Q Anon fueled insane. The one thing they can do is to refuse to get vaccinated to assert their power and sense of freedom.

A new poll from the Economist and YouGov shows that some 30 percent of Republicans actually believe that the government put microchips inside the coronavirus vaccines to presumably track and otherwise control the American people.

Due to the Delta variant, the U.S. is now averaging 100,000 new COVID-19 infections a day, returning to a milestone last seen during the winter surge. The Delta wave may the the worst so far.

As the situation grows more dire, conservatives continue to sow disinformation along with mockery and distrust of proven methods of combating the disease, from masks to vaccines to social distancing. It is easy to see the results as their states become cesspools of disease and death. The world is in a free fall. Protect yourselves, this is far from over.