No Jabby Jabby

A conservative activist from Arlington, Texas, who peddled COVID-19 vaccine misinformation died of complications caused by the virus, just a few weeks after attending a “symposium” against the shots. Her death was caused by “COVID-related pneumonia.”

The anit-Vaxer announced on Facebook in November of 2021 that her employer granted her a religious exemption for the COVID-19 vaccine. “No jabby-jabby for me! Praise GOD!” she wrote at the time. She was an outspoken critic of COVID-19 vaccine mandates and pandemic-related restrictions. In one of her final Facebook posts, she shared several links to speeches she attended at a “COVID Symposium” in Burleson, Texas devoted to dissuading people from getting the COVID-19 vaccines that are currently available. The event was organized by God Save Our Children, which bills itself as “a conservative group that is fighting against the use of experimental vaccines on our children.”

She developed an acute abdominal issue, was given pain medications and put on the ventilator. She died peacefully after gasping her last breath and is now resting in the arms of her savior Jesus Christ. Her misinformation guaranteed she isn’t going to the lord alone.