COVID is Airborne

Did you ever enter a crowded room and immediately smell cigarette smoke? You look around and see that the person smoking is way across the room. That is how COVID spreads, it is airborne like smoke. If you can smell the cigarette or perfume, just remind yourself that stench could just as well be COVID. The six foot distance rule was a lie made on the assumption that COVID only spread in large droplets which would drop to the ground within six feet. Since the start of the pandemic I have always used a 22 foot rule of social distancing for myself. 22 feet is about the distance of 4 dead bodies lying head to toe on the ground. If people crowd inside the 22 foot perimeter a mask goes on if I am outside. The mask is always on when inside.

The United States ended the COVID Public Health Emergency on May 11, 2023. COVID however still spreads through the communities. The CDC held a conference to essentially pat themselves on the back for their handling of the COVID public health emergency. To date about 101 attendees to that conference have been infected so far because of the superspreader event. Of course CDC employees should be fully vaccinated so there will be few deaths. Should you want the next available COVID booster shot, that will now be an out of pocket expense. The last I heard those shots will cost $300. Cha Ching!

School children are the primary spreaders of the COVID virus. They infect one another in classrooms and then bring the virus home to infect parents and grand parents. After the COVID public health emergency  ended the CDC quietly added a few sentenced to their guidance for school kid on their website. They pointed out that children should mask in schools and at home if another child comes over to play. The health of children was never at the forefront of peoples minds as there was a rush to open in person learning. What was most important was getting the children out of the home so parents could go back to work. People used children’s mental health concerns as a smoke screen to force kids back into poorly ventilated crowded classrooms. There are affordable options to get HEPA filters in classrooms but few are really concerned about the health of the children.