Orlando Tech Week at Church Street Marketplace.

I walked over to Church Street Marketplace (101 S Garland Ave Orlando FL 32801) for what I thought would be a tech demo. The place was deserted except for the caterer. I asked him what he knew about the event and he was pretty clueless. A large screen was set up, and when I arrived, it was projecting a computer desktop. I figured that had to be my center of interest.

Procreate, the digital sketch program on my iPad had updated several days ago and a new feature showed up called the perspective tool. It allows you to place several vanishing points on the sketch and the program automatically sets up a perspective grid to use as a drawing guide. I used that feature for the first time on this sketch, which is a pretty high tech leap for me. I was utilizing a bit more tech to cover Tech Week.

Only later that night did I learn that what I was sketching was the Black  Orlando Tech Hip Hop Happy Hour. DJ Nigel John shouted up a welcome to me, shouting “Thor!” I shouted back and then sketched him as he set up his DJ mix station. Janessa Gursky must have been an event organizer because she also greeted me. About six round high top tables were set up and slowly people started to arrive. This was slated to be the
chillest, happy hour event of Orlando Tech Week 2017. It was a chance for everyone to unwind from the
nonstop tech events of the week with a drink and conversation. I was a little disappointed not to walk away with some miraculous tech enlightenment but the music was pumping as I left for dinner.