Chalk it up to Racism

Writing “Black Lives Matter” in chalk on the sidewalk is illegal in Saleh, Washington. Charges could include 364 days of jail time and a fine up to $5,000. A video posted on July 6, 2020 showed a sanitation worker pressure washing the chalk on a sidewalk outside the city hall as youths with face masks lay on it, holding protest signs. I have sprayed my foot before with a pressure washer and that can really hurt. The children remained seated as the worker, who was not wearing a face mask, pressure washed around them. The chalk they had used to create the sidewalk art was sprayed into the street. This of course reminded me of the civil rights protests in Alabama when fire hoses were used to blast Black children protestors.

Saleh is a quiet rural town with a conservative mayor. The city administrator refereed to the 10 children as a mob. Chalk art has long been a tableau for social activism, a form of instant commentary that takes political expression quite literally onto the streets. Cities have at times targeted it, such as in San Diego, where a man was charged with 13 counts of vandalism in 2013 for writing anti-bank messages on a public sidewalk. A jury acquitted him.

Selah’s chalk activism began with Gabriel Fabian, 20, who was not politically active until after seeing the video capturing the arrest in May that led to George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis. Mr. Fabian, who is Latino, decided he needed to play a role in halting the oppression of Black people, and that it would need to start at home. He began by writing Black Lives Matter on his dead-end street. A street sweeper wiped away this messages the same week. Fabian’s friends repeatedly wrote messages on the concrete, all of which were repeatedly removed by officials.

Since the chalk art keeps appearing, police chief Richard Hayes has threatened punitive damages saying the chalk art is graffiti.  The family’s attorney, Joseph Cutler, has argued that erasing the Black Lives Matter chalk art is in violation of the family’s right to free speech. The city claimed that they always remove chalk art although, Fabian’s mother Ms. Perez said she had seen no efforts to remove recent chalk art tied to school graduations. It would seem the message is what is being targeted. Courtney Hernandez has been organizing Black Lives Matter events in the area, said it was clear to her that the city was attempting to silence protest.


NPR reported, Portland Oregon state and local officials are demanding that Federal Agents leave. Protesters have demonstrated in the city’s downtown for more than 50 nights since George Floyd died after a Minneapolis police officer knelt on his neck, sophisticating him to death.

“There’s absolutely no question that by having the presence of federal officers here, it’s simply like adding gasoline to a fire,” Oregon Governor Kate Brown said. On Sunday July 19, 2020, a video went viral 53-year-old Navy veteran Christopher David being struck repeatedly with a baton wielded by a federal law enforcement officer. Christopher had yelled at the officers, “Why are you not honoring your oath to the Constitution?”

Oregon Public Broadcasting reported Friday that federal law enforcement officers have been using unmarked vehicles in downtown Portland to grab and detain protesters. Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler blamed the federal government for making things worse in the city. “We have an already heightened situation. It’s already tense,” Wheeler said. “But after nearly five weeks of demonstrations, we are starting to see that small handful of people who were engaged in criminal activity — it was dissipating. It was calming down. We believed a week ago it would be over by this weekend. But what happened instead is the feds stepped in with a very heavy-handed approach, and it blew the lid off the whole thing.”

“With the federal government, they won’t even identify who they are,” Wheeler said. “We don’t know why they’re here. We don’t know the circumstances under which they’re making arrests. We don’t know what their policies are or what accountability mechanisms there are, to the point where even the U.S. attorney here in the state of Oregon is calling for an investigation, wondering, where was the probable cause to pull these people off the streets into unmarked cars?”

On Friday, the U.S. senators from Oregon, asked the Justice Department and DHS to investigate “the unrequested presence and violent actions of federal forces in Portland.” Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum filed a lawsuit Friday against the DHS and other federal agencies and alleged that they have “engaged in unlawful law enforcement in violation of the civil rights of Oregonians by seizing and detaining them without probable cause.”

“The federal administration has chosen Portland to use their scare tactics to stop our residents from protesting police brutality and from supporting the Black Lives Matter movement,” Rosenblum said in a statement. “Every American should be repulsed when they see this happening. If this can happen here in Portland, it can happen anywhere.”

Trump is now threatening to send more Federal Officers to more US cities to stop protests in the Black lives Matter protests. He specifically named New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, Baltimore and Oakland in discussing problems with violence. To him it seems to be a war on “liberal Democrats.” He is at war with free speech and the free press. I just wish he could focus instead on the real war , COVID-19.

Black Lives Matter Plaza NW

The Mayor of Washington DC, Muriel Bowser, wanted to remind Trump that Black Lives Matter, so she had it painted on the street in giant letters over two city blocks leading up to the White House. It stops just short of the church which the POTUS used as a promotional prop when he had troops, parks officers, secret service and unmarked corrections officers tear gas peaceful demonstrators as well as clergy and parishioners so he could have his picture taken in front of the church with a bible in hand. The street was renamed Black Lives Matter Plaza NW.

Trump has finally built himself a wall by adding high chain link fencing all around the white house and expanding that perimeter to include Lafayette Park. He has walled himself in from the rest of the country who are up in arms about racial injustice. Secret service moved the president into a bunker below the white house on the first evening of protests where fire were set around the city. The president claims he was only inspecting the bunker.

Muriel did not approve of Trumps moving troops into her city as a show of force against protestors against police violence against black Americans. The Pentagon confirmed that approximately 1,600 active-duty troops from North Carolina and New York were flown into the D.C. area. Police forces and National Guard vehicles are used to block 16th Street near Lafayette Park and the White House on June 3, 2020 in Washington, DC.

“The deployment of federal law enforcement personnel and equipment are inflaming demonstrators and adding to the grievances of those who, by and large, are peacefully protesting for change and reforms to the racist and broken systems that are killing Black Americans. Furthermore, I continue to be concerned that unidentified federal personnel patrolling the streets of Washington, D.C. pose both safety and national security risks,” the the mayor added. Trump responded with nonconstructive and hateful tweets. No surprise there.

Seeing the mayors Black Lives Matter street mural made me smile for the first time in days. She knows that art can make an impact. Pentagon Defense Secretary Mark Esper flip flopped several times caving to Trumps demand for troops but ultimately ordered several hundred troops from the 82nd Airborne Division to return home to Fort Bragg in North Carolina. Protests are still going on around the country but some tensions have eased since the officers responsible for the murder of George Loyd are now under arrest. However videos are surfacing every day of police brutality towards peaceful protestors and journalists. Change is needed.