Gutting USPS

President Donald Trump is gutting the USPS to rig the up upcoming presidential election. For months he has been claiming that mail in ballots will result in election fraud. To restrict access to the ballot box he is literally removing mail boxes from street corners. His basic premise seems to be that he can not win the popular vote, so he will make it more difficult to vote. With the COVID-19 pandemic raging across the country many states are taking steps to make mail in voting a safer option to vote.

The new postmaster general Louis DeJoy is a right-wing millionaire who donated millions to the Trump campaign. DeJoy also has investment in shipping companies that are direct competitor to the post office. AS an investor he would make money by helping to destroy the USPS. Known as the “Friday Night Massacre,” DeJoy dismantled mail sorting equipment and remove mailboxes from the streets. Congress was called back to the hill to have a hearing about the election meddling and Dejoy is set to testify by Friday August 21, 2020.

Benjamin Franklin was appointed the first postmaster general in 1775 and the organization is older than the government itself. It has a rich history of delivering mail to rural residents and city dwellers alike. Some people rely on the USPS to deliver prescription drugs and other essentials. I have personally noticed the slow down since I have been waiting weeks for a shipment to come in. This is the largest grab for power by the president so far. It is an authoritarian move to discredit, the press, the scientists and then find a way to break the very fabric of democracy by discrediting and trying to remove free elections.