Paint the bride.

So, what do you do with your wedding dress when the wedding is over? Most women pack it away in a box and store it for eternity in their closet or attic. Kimme Priddle married Ed Hernandez and she decided to turn her wedding dress into art.

Current Galleries right above The Imperial at Washburn Imports (116 E 1st Street Sanford,


32771) is run by local arts promoter Frankie Messina of Apartment E. Frankie loves the arts and bringing people together. He let Kim and Ed use the Current Gallery’s round room to exhibit their photographs and mixed media art. The highest price was $225 and the lowest $50. 

In the center of the gallery was a small stage with a garden trellis acting as the framing curtains. White Christmas lights were spiraled around the trellis, shining like bright stars. Roses and yellow flowers along with fern and lace completed the elegant stage, along with a sign saying, “Paint the bride.” Wedding guests friends and artists took turns painting the dress being modeled by Kimme. I didn’t see who put the red hand print on her right breast. The room became quite crowded and I patiently waited for quick glimpses of the bride. The paint supplies sat a large wooden wire spool that acted as a table. Two bedside lamps illuminated the scene. 

A daughter of the couple played tunes on an electric keyboard beside me. As quickly as the scene grew crowded and chaotic, it then quickly became still as everyone left. How wonderful would it have been if the groom and officiant arrived, also were painted and then the ceremony took place as well. Unfortunately the wedding happened either before or after.

Home at the Current Galleries in Sanford Fl.

Frankie Messina of Apartment E is something of an Orlando institution. For years he has brought artists together from all disciplines. Visual artists mingle with writers, musicians, an performers of all kinds. He has begun curating shows at The Current Galleries (202 E.1st Street Historic Sanford Florida). ” The theme of this show held in March 2015, was Home. “The road to a friend’s house is never long.” It was a collective art and performance show where pieces or expressions were of “your home” or what “home” means to you.

This was the debut event in in the new galleries and Frankie was excited to build new relationships and connections between Sanford, Orlando and all the cities around and in between. The new Gallery was kicked off with an amazing opening night during the monthly Sanford Art Walk  that featured poets, instillation art, musicians and of course visual artists.  Tais Phillips combined poetry with an overhead projector to create an interactive experience where poets could see their words projected large on the wall. 

In the room next to me, mailboxes were mounted on the wall. Patrons were invited to write an inspirational note and put it in one of the mailboxes for future patrons to read. Scott Pantke and his wife Nicole from Blast Studios occupied a studio space where they encouraged people to give air brush painting a try. Just dropping off a painting for the show was an adventure, because Frankie had artists meet him behind the gallery and a spiral staircase lead up to the second floor gallery.

Admission was to the public and the opening was more like a non stop party rather than a formal opening. A 10% commission off work sold went to Apartment E’s Blanket Orlando Project for the homeless, held every year in November. This in itself is an inspiring story of how one person with a pick up truck and a big heart, can make a big difference when they decide to make a positive change. Every year that true gets filled to overflowing to help people who need to battle the cold through Orlando’s winter months. One of Frankie’s favorite sayings is, “What you don’t give away, is lost.”

Soft Exposure

Soft Exposure happens on the 4th Wednesday of every month. Frankie Messina has taken over as host for Soft Exposure at Infusion Tea (1600 Edgewater Dr College Park). Naomi Butterfield used to host this open mic night but she recently moved to Gabon. Frankie has added his own flair to this night of poetry and prose. When I arrived, he was still setting up. He had a stack of vinyl records and he spun his favorites as people arrived. Billy Holiday‘s silky voice greeted me. Frankie runs a local arts support organization called Apartment E. Formed in 1993 it offers local love and support. He came up with phrase “City Beautiful” and he owns the online domain.

Artist Janae Corrado set up a display of her oil paintings and pencil sketches.  Her work has a flavor of the surreal while remaining grounded. Frankie asked her to talk about her work between readings. She was hesitant but finally stepped up to the mic. Her work is personal and she tries to keep titles and themes open as she is working on a painting. She has been painting for five years now but has been an artist since she was a child. She feels the Orlando art scene has plenty of talent, much of it unrecognized. The Florida art market tends to be driven by tourism with the exception of Miami which might be its own country. The largest painting she brought was of a woman with horns in front of a bare tree. The model for this painting was Kassandra Kharis. Kassandra was an amazing local artist who took her own life several days ago. I was shocked and humbled by the news from her friend Tracy Lulu Brown. Kassandra’s work is dark and mysterious. She appeared in an isolated sketch I did in Blank Space. I spoke to Janae briefly about Kassandra and her eyes lit up as she talked about how Kassandra wore antlers to an opening to look just like her painting. Laughter and joy in memories masked the loss.

Joe Rosier started the evening off with a poem he wrote at Fringe about a microphone not in use on the empty outdoor stage. He lamented the lost opportunity and endless potential that went unnoticed. Frankie read an amazing poem about lines. Like the line in the sand, the line we are meant not to cross. I wish I had heard this poem as I worked on the Mennello Museum line mural. There were emotional sparks flying in the poems. Several times my eyes burned and had to be wiped dry on my sleeve. Several tourists were in the room. They flew from Australia to Orlando to attend an Avatar self help course. They read from a group exercise handbook. I felt a bit uncomfortable as the material had a cult tinge to it, but in the end their message was of compassion and understanding which is what any art form should aspire to. A poet apologized for not writing much recently. He then recited The Love Song of Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot. I love this poem, which I first read in high school. Now that my hair grows thin and grey, the poem has added impact and meaning as I search and scratch out images every day.  Curtis Meyer ended the evening with an emotional spoken word piece about the inventor of the inner circuitry in microphones. The thrust of his poem rushed forwards and back like a DJ spinning vinyl to a rap beat. The evening had come full circle.

I left feeling inspired and uplifted, yet sad that talent could burn so bright and often go unnoticed in an indifferent world.