Alone in the Universe presented a humerous existential look at the meaning of life.

Big Whoop productions from Vancouver Canada presented Alone in the Universe a one-man sketch comedy experience about the mystery of existence and
what it means to be just a dumb human floating in space, examined
through characters, mime, music, and stand-up. This Fringe show written and performed by Adam Pateman was presented in the Bronze venue inside the Orlando Museum of Art. Adam who was dressed like a gas station attendant was challenged by an alien announcer to solve the mysteries of life, or the entire human race would be annihilated.

Adam followed with a one man monologue that reflected on his past and present. Of course none of what he said addressed the ultimate question but the point was to go along for a fun ride. He seemed to feel that turning 30 was a major life change. Hair grew in new and unexpected places. The following decades bring much greater surprises.

He ultimately concluded that the meaning of life must be the question itself, that we had been given life and the ability to reason so that we might ultimately ask the question. The sinister alien announcer stated simply “No”. It turns out that all of existence came about so that there might be a seventh season of Glee on TV.

Since Adam was wrong the announcer stated that the world would end at any moment. The audience sat in the dark theater and waited. He toyed with the audience by announcing our untimely end several times. Would the show ever end? Were we destined to sit in this dark purgatory forever?