COVID Dystopia: Space X Flames

I added animated flames to this scene from COVID Dystopia and I am glad that I did. I see a couple of gaps so i will add a few more flames today. I will also add masks to calm down the motion at the base of each fire. I also slowed down the burst of exhaust flame that transected the scene from right to left. I may refine the timing of that a bit more today.

Was all the extra work worth it? I think it was, and that is what matters.

I might get to the other scene I have been wanting to animate, namely the Norway Superspreader scene. That should go fairly quickly once I separate out each demon. I will make them all seem like they are walking my moving them forward and bobbing them up and down. Since there are no legs visible things should progress quickly. The trick will be to keep them all from moving in sync. Each will be animated separately at different stages of the walk to start. What seems simple is still pretty complex when it comes to animation.

Today I will find out if COVID Dystopia is accepted or rejected by the Portland Film Festival. I liked Portland when I rode my bike trough when I bikes across the country. I know that people don’t want to see these images since they want to believe life has returned to “Normal.” It hasn’t. We might be done with COVID, but COVID is not done with us.