COVID: Flat Earth Policy

In this shot, everything moves. The moon wobbles a bit, The waterfall cascades down, the virus and ships sail. My first pass at the animation had the larger sailing ship falling over the edge of the earth. Since it is such a short shot, there isn’t time for an all out fall. This morning I dialed back the animation having the ship sail right up to the edge but not over. I think it is better ti imply what is about to happen rather than my first blunt pass.

In the previous version of the shot, I had the camera move from left to right. I decided instead to have it move from the top down which rotates the flat disk a bit towards the audience.

Another issue with the first animation was that I treated it like cut out animation moving the boat image frame by frame. That tends to be noticeable if the image bumps up or down from frame to frame. I used the transformation tools in Callipeg for the second animation which gives motion graphs which can create slow ins and slow outs. The resulting motion was much smoother.

The image above is from After Effects. I imported the Callipeg animation with a greed screen and put it on top of a parallax view of the scene. The parallax made the scene more dimensional. The fact that the background was now in motion meant I had to make some adjustments to the animation which was done on a still version of the background. I had to put some pins in the waterfall to get the top edge to stay tightly knit to the edge of the earth. Since the earth now rotated a bit, I had to move the satellite as well.

I am amazed at the number of things that went into a single one second shot.