Trailer Portrait

Jon Busdeker created an amazing trailer for COVID. His approach was to document the start of the pandemic and then have a shot of the artist for a solid 4 seconds. The audio he chose of a heart monitor flat lining at the end is actually upsetting and perfect. We are trying be sure there are no copyright issues with the live action shots.

Since this shot is held for so long, I decided to add parallax. By now I can achieve the effect rather fast. The 3D mesh shows the nose and mouth but when the depth map is added to the painting, it just makes the mask seem 3d. Jon cropped the image as an extreme close up. I didn’t crop quite as close but did crop a bit so the Zoom lower panel is only partially visible. There needed to be room for some type to the right of my face.

I sent Jon a whole bunch of footage at 4am Friday since he said me might edit on the weekend. I was shocked to find he had done the edit by the next morning. Jon is a consummate professional. 30 seconds might seem like it could be a simple edit, but there are still thousands of elements that all need to work together. Jon knows how to juggle them all.