Airport Slumber

On a trip to Chicago there was a bit of a layover at the Orlando International Airport. I like sketching in airports, exhausted rubes, I mean, passengers make good models as they doze off to a fitful sleep.

I am resurrecting sketches from a very old sketchbook which was started before I began my sketch a day practice.  Executed in pencil, I rather like the line quality compared to the ink lines I put down with my broken fountain pen today. I want to buy a new sailor fountain pen, I should do that this afternoon while I am thinking about it.

I am starting work on theater posters this week so there probably will not be many Yalaha Florida sketches in the works. Since moving up this way I am ting to figure out how to reschedule my days so that I get location sketches done in the morning and then teach in the late afternoons.

With a surgery coming up I might face 4 to 10 weeks of post operation recovery. I assume that will mean no heavy lifting. I don’t know what that will mean in terms of sketching. I need to call today and set up that surgery date. It is a frightening prospect and my stomach knots just thinking about it. Getting older sucks. Or as Bette Davis said “Old age ain’t for sissies.