COVID Dystopia: Semi Finalist at Serbest International Film Festival

COVID Dystopia was a Semi – Finalist at the Serbest International Film Festival. That means the jury liked the film but would not dare to show it to an audience.

The festival was to be held in Moldova which borders on Ukraine. The festival provides accommodations for film makers who make the trip to the country.

However at the last minute they sent out an e-mail informing everyone that the festival would have to be virtual this year because to the war in Ukraine. They did not want to put filmmakers lives at risk. I was excited for the virtual option since it also reduces the risks of infection in a crowded theater.

I am not adding laurels for runner up festivals. I need to focus on the festivals who will screen the film. Tonight I will be packing up to get ready to go to Iowa where I will be taking a rather insane  six hour road trip to the Iowa Independent Film festival.

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