COVID Dystopia at Cordillera Film Festival in Reno

COVID Dystopia will screen in Reno on September 27, 2024 at 10:30pm in the Music Videos and Party-Short Films Program #4. screening. The screening is at the Greater Nevada Field, 250 Evans Avenue, Reno, Nevada. I had hoped that the film might be shown on the jumbo tron under the stars, but the 1992 feature film A League of their Own starring Tom Hanks, Genna Davis  and Madonna, will be shown on that huge screen. The short films will be shown in a VIP  lounge upstairs inside the stadium building. Hopefully they will cobble together a decent screening room. If they screen it on a bed sheet with a tin can for a speaker,  I believe there will be tears. They say there is no crying at Film Festivals.

Festival organizers let me know that my art bag would not get through the stadium security. I’ll just have to pocket a few pencils and carry my sketchbook if I want to sketch. Art supplies are often a weapon that is hard to get through security.

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