Disney Feature animation Internship: Thunder Mountain

At the animation studio I had finished working on Mr. Zed. Mr. Zed was the affectionate name we used to refer to a simple animated character that just had a ball for a head, a bean for a body and spindly long legs simply defined with two lines.

The next assignment was to work on effects animation. Effects are much more fluid, abstract and unpredictable.

I spent time in the animation library and studied Fantasia to figure out how a cloak might move on a figure. I was fascinated by effect but it was not easy. All the other interns were busy doing and redoing their walks. I decided that when I was done with an assignment I would put it aside and move on. It was the best way to stay sane. If I chased absolute perfection I could drive myself crazy. I do believe that the internship experience was set up to see who cracked and who stayed o course. My mind was set on the long game.

The sketch was from a weekend exploring the parks. This was in Magic Kingdom.