Longwood Ranch Farmers Market

A friend and I went to a crowed Longqwood Ranch Farmers Market in near Bradenton, Florida. I stayed masked the whole time but my friend went mask less like most in the crowd. I tend to leave my mask off outside but in a crowded situation like this it stays on.

My friend found a tent that had all sorts of pickled items and multiple jars were purchased to add to the baby brain shelf of the refrigerator.

I do recall that it was a gorgeous spring day. We also went to the Rollins Art Museum and saw some huge Peter Paul Rubens paintings.

For diner the plan was to go to The Mullets Fish Camp. The line to get in was insanely long. There was an outdoor patio but that filled up, so we left and found another restaurant with outdoor seating across form Morton’s Gourmet Market. The market was small but good. The food at Libbie’s neighborhood Brassiere wasn’t memorable and the service sucked.

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