Hard to Port

Hard to Port performed at a Cemetery Tour fundraiser. Large event tents were set up in the cemetery with circular tables for all the paying patrons. I do think I was the only soul in the cemetery that was wearing a mask. I did wear a mask while doing this sketch because people kept walking up to me to ask, “Did you do that right now?” I arranged to sit at the open end of one of the tents so there was at least air circulation.

This event involved a strange adjustment to pandemic risk assessment. The person I was with already had been infected with COVID and after multiple vaccines had relaxed their stance on basic precautions.

My precautions today consist of always masking indoors and removing the mask when outside. If there is a crowd outside or I am withing 22 feet of others, the mask goes back on outside.

This fundraiser was outside but the tents were an enclosed space. I remained masked most of the time but removed the mask long enough to wolf down the food and then exit the space. I hoped the open flaps nearby offered enough circulation. I dodged the bullet but didn’t feel great about removing the mask in the crowded tent area. My stupidity makes me want to double down in the future.

After diner, actors in turn of the century outfits took groups of guests on a tours around the cemetery. Each guest had a flashlight. We stopped at a tombstone and the actor spoke about the life of the person buried there. In our group one lady was too drunk to pay attention. At one headstone two actors performed, one as the husband and one as the wife buried side by side. It was an interesting way to lean about local history.

This sketch was done on the day Joe Biden lifted the COVID National Emergency declaration. The government will save money by not having to supply tests for COVID and offering vaccines for free.  A governments job isn’t to protect it’s citizens but to keep the economy ticking. It is a win win for Joe who tests anyone who gets close to him to be sure they do not have COVID. I know the declaration is meaningless. The pandemic is far from over.

Right now hospitalizations are down. COVID deaths are down to less then 600 people a week. That number at the start of the pandemic would have been horrifying, but now it is business as usual. About that many people die every week in auto accidents. I still drive, but I take basic precautions like wearing a seat belt. Others seem intent to drive into walls just to prove they can. If they get sick multiple times they want you to get sick as well.